I don't care

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Then i did the only thing reasonable.

I nodded my head.

Why did i do that? Hmm. Maybe because he was trying to kill Bryson and was the one that started the fight in the first place.Bryson couldn't just stand there and let my dad kill him! I completely understand. These past few days have been weird, my dad all of a sudden had anger issues, my brother comes back and his mate is the "luna to be", my best friends mate is my cousin, and of course The man that I am running away with killed my father.

When i snapped out of my thoughts, i looked out the window. Goodbye beautiful trees, goodbye Trisha, Goodbye stupid mate, RIP dead bastard father, and goodbye California!

I looked at the time on my phone 5:45. The party starts in 15 minutes! Oh boy, when they find out that i left! I smirked and rubbed my hands together."What are you doing?" Oh i forgot he was here....."Um just cold!" I mumbled as i struggled against the seatbelt to put my knees up. I wonder if I will ever come back, just for like a day to say proper goodbyes to Trisha or something. Maybe my mate will stop using me for power and actually love me!

I shook my head at my stupid thoughts.I haven't been hearing from my wolf lately. She has been quiet every since I made the decision to run away. "Hey wolfie, you there?" I thought."i miss Jake" my wolf whimpered. "Well get over it because i don't! Don't you understand? He is using us!" Then i put my walls up and turned on the radio. Of course, Trisha and I's favorite song comes on." It will melt your popsicle! Aooohaooh! Aooohaooh!Californiaaaaa! Californiaaaa Girlssss!"

I turned off the radio and gave out an annoying sigh."Just go to sleep Alicia" What? It is only 6:15 i usually go to bed at 10:00!"Im not tired!" I whined. I wonder what is happening at the party right now.........

Trisha's POV
Where the heck is she? We were supposed to be getting ready right now! She is 30 minutes late! Jake has been worried sick about her. Apparently he thinks she "ran away". Ha! Ya right she would never! She has a perfect dad and mate! Why would she leave like that? Her dad is late also! The alpha of the old Lunas pack has to be at the coronation because he has to give permission to the Luna to help run another pack. I think that we should just cancel and do it another day when we "find" Alicia because she "moved".

Jake's POV
Where the hell is she? She has a duty to this pack and will not let them down! My best explanation is that she couldn't handle being a luna so she ran away. If I don't find her by the end of the month, I will have Suzy, Brain's sister be my luna. Meghan is already taken by Jackson and Trisha is with Brian.

I have decided to let the party go on and just celebrate for no reason! No use in wasting beer and decorations! We will get drunk with, or without her now that her dad is not here!
****************one day later****************
Alicias POV
We were still in the car driving, driving, driving. I haven't gotten out of the car ever since we left because every mile i go away from my mate-wait no-Jake, my stomach hurts and my wolf whimpers more and more. My mom always use to tell me stories about mates dying when they were far away but she died.

I don't even think any of those stories were true though. Obviously not, i am far away and still alive! I think we are driving to south america or something! Bryson hasn't slept since we left and he won't let me drive because i am "unstable and could hurt Byra" Byra is his car by the way.

Bryson pulls up to this nice looking hotel and gets out. I get out too. I get my bag out of the trunk and Bryson gets his.
"Hey where are we?"

"A hotel"

"No dur! I mean what place in the world!"

"La Puente hotel"

"Screw it!"

I pulled out my phons and looked at my Gps. We are in Oregon.I thought we where driving south not north! Oh well it is far away from Jake! My stomach twisted again at the thought. Dang, why does he make me feel this way! Just the thought of his name makes me queasy.

I hope he never gives up looking for me cause you know, time is precious to him. Why not take some away?

Saved By My MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora