Welcoming Party #3

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Today is Saturday, the day of my third Welcoming party. This time i hope to not get kidnapped.

Getting kidnapped wasn't as worse as getting saved then rejected.

Jake saving me is the most horrible thing that has happened in my life.

Today, i am going to conquer my fear of Welcoming Parties.

I jumped on Trisha and Brian waking them both up."Welcoming Party number 3" i stated grabbing Trisha's  arm and dragging her out of the room.

"Fuck!" I heard Brian yell through the door.

He probably forgot all about it.

I walked into my room and got my beautiful dress out of the closet. Today will be perfect!

Trisha started the shower and jumped in. While i waited for her to get out, i turned on the TV.

News Reporter: "There has been several deaths along California's border leading a trail to Idaho, suspects are getting tracked down as we speak. If you are in Idaho, be on the lookout."

Other News Reporter: "Thank You Kelly for the news now lets head it back to Brian with the Weather"

I turned off the TV and smacked my head.
Why me? I bet it is Jake and his werewolves coming for revenge. I have such horrible luck when it comes to Welcoming Parties.

I will never conquer my fear. I will never run away from my past. Wait, let me change that.

I will never escape Jake.

The water turned off and Trisha stepped out in a towel.

"Please tell me you heard the news over the water!" I said

"Yeah, so?" She said putting some Pajamas back on.

"It is Jake and his pack! He is coming to get me!" I said pacing back and forth

"Girl, do you hear what you are saying? You are so over dramatic! I think that Jake took a hint when you had his brother beat him up"

"I did not! Jordan chose himself to beat Jake up!"

"Whatever, you're just paranoid. Now get in the shower." I rolled my eyes and took a towel with me to the bathroom.

This is why i hate being 2nd in the shower. Hair everywhere, water on the floors, and the washcloth is used.

I went in the cupboard and  got a new washcloth.

I jumped in and started washing.

After my shower, i put my Pajamas back on and started my mascara

It is currently 12:00 and the party starts at 3:00.

I don't even take long to get ready, i barely were any makeup.

Just mascara and chapstick.

On the other hand, Trisha takes forever! It takes her like 20 minutes to do the perfect curl on her eyelashes and like an hour for concealer,lipstick,and blending.

That is why she takes showers first.

When i finished my mascara it was 12:05. I went to Trisha's room while Brian was taking a Shower and looked in her closet for some shoes.

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