Rescue Mission

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I woke up and found out that we are in California. What if Jake recognizes Jordan's scent? He wont recognize Bryson's so maybe Bryson can help Trisha and Brian distract Jake while everyone gets into the bus. Hopefully we will have enough room! If not, some people will have to stay with Jake.

That defeats the whole purpose though. Our goal is to have Jake lonely with no pack and no where to run. Everybody will know the news of the true Jake and will be ashamed to share the same air.

Jake will be destroyed. "Don't you think you are going a little hard on him?" Said my wolf Ugh. She needs to be quite! Jake slapped me, left me, and used me! He should get a bigger punishment!

I am going easy on him for the sake of my wolf's sanity.

We were getting close to borders, and i was getting more nervous each mile.

"WE ARE AT BORDERS!!" Yelled Bryson pumping his fist in the air

Jordan pulled over and went over the whole plan again with Bryson.

Then, we poured water over ourselves to mask our sent and started driving again. My clothes stuck to me and my hair felt like a mop. I don't know why, but i like being wet.

Water softens my mood.

I saw the pack house in the clearing with my eyesight and texted Trisha

Me: we r here get ready!:p
Trisha: we r distracting Jake now-_-

She is so weird..... "Look who is talking" laughed my wolf


We stopped a couple miles away and got out of the car. I jogged to the pack house and opened the back door. Some pack members were in the kitchen and living room. Jake, Trisha, and Brian's sent were nowhere to be found.

Perfect! Now i can convince the pack to leave Jake. I stood on the counter and yelled "ATTENTION! I HAVE SOME IMPORTANT NEWS!" Everyone's eyes looked at me and their faces went wild

"SHES BACK!!" Someone yelled in the crowd that was forming

"WE MUST LEAVE JAKE'S PACK................"
After i explained to them what happened,some believed me and some did not. Trisha texted me that she would be back in 30 minutes, so i gathered everyone into the bus.

Now, i am in the bus with 30 other people not including Trisha and Brian. Bryson and Jordan are here, but when Trisha gets back, Jake will probably go in the house. With that, Trisha and Brian will hop in the bus before the other pack members betray us and tell Jake 30 people are leaving.

Jordan said that he wants to talk things out with Jake which means beat him up.

Our plan kind of worked but we only have a quarter of the pack on our side so Jake will not be alone forever.... But, at least he will get beat up by Jordan!

Then my phone beeped

Trisha: we r pulling into the driveway

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