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I felt like drowning. I felt like dying. All of my joy has been replaced with sadness. My mother. My wonderful and beautiful mother. I bet they were the ones who killed her!

Now i am angry. Fuming! Why did they come? To rub it in my face? Ha- Ya right! I am gonna teach them a lesson!

"Where did you put them?!" I yelled "whoah calm down" said Bryson as he put his hands up in surrender

"You have really girl like hands by the way" i mumbled

"How rude, and i am not telling you where they are."

"Can you at least tell me why you had handcuffs with you?"

"About that...." He scratched his neck

"What?" I said as i tapped my foot on the floor angrily

"I couldn't risk your wolf running away to go back to your mate, sometimes you cant control it."

"I KNOW WHAT I CAN AND CANT CONTROL THAT IS WHY I LEFT!" Wow i am ashamed! He was going to handcuff me to the bed or something! Maybe that is why he got one bed!

Ughhh i really need to control my anger. I think I'm on my period. For real, not like last time at Jake's house. Or maybe i am just in the middle of one of my bipolar "festivals" as my dad used to call it.

Then it felt like a emotional trigger went off. I fell to the floor and started crying. My dad died, i dont have a good mate, my wolf is miserable, and my moms death just reminded me of everything i lost this week. Why me? Why me?

Brysons POV:

Why was she crying about me bringing handcuffs? Then i asked the most stupidest thing ever:"whats wrong?" I knew i shouldn't have asked her that. She is in an awfully bad mood today! Was it about the lady Martha? Why would she be crying over a name?


Then  she started running around the hotel like a mad lady searching for a scent. I just stood there. Astonished! Her mother? Oh yeah i remember her telling me she died! But how?

Alicia POV:

He is so stupid! He hasn't figured it out yet? I technically just said that rouges killed my mom! As i was searching the hotel, I could hear laughter from behind me.

Wow,Bryson has girl hands and a girl laugh. "STOP LAUGHING BRYSON IT ISNT FUNNY!" I yelled as i turned around. There they were, the rouges. Bryson had them on the floor in handcuffs but no tape around their mouths.

"Shut up!" I yelled. They didnt stop. They were laughing about my mother! My dead mother! How dare they! I stormed over their way and before i could get a punch in i was stopped.

By girl hands.

"Why are you protecting them? Let me kill them!"

"No because we have that lady staring at us while she is talking to the police. Lets leave before they get here, They just told her they will be here in 2 minutes."

I nodded my head and gave the 3 girls the finger. Then i made a scary face and put my finger around my neck to motion that i will kill them later.

The brunette stuck her tongue out at me and smirked.

I know, we are such children.

I smirked back and whispered " die in a hole" as we walked out of the hotel doors with Bryson in the middle so i wouldn't  pounce. When we got out side, i was ready.

I so badly wanted to fight the girls with their handcuffs on but that is just winning while being a wussy. I wanted to win the fair way! Right when i saw them on the floor in the hotel, i could tell that they haven't been hunting lately. I am a fatass and look at them. Little twigs i can break easily!

I walked to the forest and said " We fight here!" Pointing to the grass. "Whatever, We will win anyway!" Said the red head. "Master will be mad at us for killing her but its worth it!" Whispered the brunette.

"Why did you even come here? What do you want!"

"Oh- We just wanted to kidnap you and bring you to Master alive, but you have a hot man with you!" Said the blonde

"Slut" i mumbled

"What did you say?" Yelled the rouge slut as she struggled against Bryson

I cupped my hands over my mouth so she could hear  better:"I said Slut!"  

The 2 girls beside her gasped. They obviously didn't hear me say it the first time. "Bryson get the handcuffs of them, i want to avenge my mother" i snarled

Bryson POV:

What do i do? It is against the law to kill another werewolf when it isn't a war between packs! After all, they did kill her mom!

So,i unlocked all of their handcuffs and sat down on the grass a few feet away. I love watching drama! I might be like a girl about it  but who doesn't like watching it? Keeping Up With the Kardashians is on my top picks on Netflix!

The brunette and the red haired girl backed up to give the blonde one and Alicia some space.

Alicias POV:

Yes! They are letting her fight alone! This will be easier! I waited while she fixed her ponytail. I don't care how my hair even looks, I am not going anywhere to impress someone!

"Are you done getting ready?"i hissed

" Bitch, you are just jealous that i look better then you right now!"

" I dont give a fuck!" I yelled as i jumped on top of her and started throwing punches

"Get off me fatass!" She yelled

Oh no she didn't! I got up and picked her up by her neck." Better to be strong then flimsy! You don't even have strength and your a werewolf!" I practically spit in her face

Then, the red haired and the brown haired girl started emerging from behind the slut. This will be fun! Even Bryson is enjoying it!

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