Rouges? Not a Problem

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When we got into the hotel, I immediately went upstairs while Bryson bought a room.

Hopefully it will be two beds, if we had to sleep together that would be just awkward.

I kind of feel bad for letting him help me hide, he has a mate out there too that he needs to find! He can't just stay helping me forever! I shivered at the word "forever". How long will we go in hiding? Will i go back? Will i never go back?

As my curiosity leads me upstairs, i look down and see Bryson. He is good lookin! Maybe even better then Jake! (I cant choose between Channing Tatum and Ian Somerhalder! Ridiculous! Put who you like better in the comments!)

Bryson caught up with me on the stairs with my bag and his bag. "One bed!" He said smirking holding up one finger. I gave him a "are you serious" look and he said " Guess we will be sleeping together tonight!" Wiggling his eyebrows. I can't believe he said that! He should be waiting for his mate and not flirting with me!

I scowled and  playfully hit his shoulder. Whoops, i meant punched him in the shoulder because i accidentally used my werewolf strength.

And then you wouldn't believe it!  He toppled over the staircase and  is now hanging on for  his "dear life"

Any other friend would immediately help but i just laughed. He has werewolf strength and can easily do 100 pull ups plus 50 because he is an alpha!

I went downstairs to explain to the lady and retrieve the bags that fell. " Oh my goodness! We need a ladder he could get hurt"   "He can get up on his own!" I smirked

I went back up the stairs to where Bryson was and i could see him showing off doing some pull-ups on the stair case. I leaned over and grabbed the room keys out of his pocket.

This will be fun........ I gave him my evil stare and dashed up the stairs with the bags and key!

I looked on the key and saw a number 15. Guess i should head to room number 15!"no dur!" My wolf called out. I could tell she is still mad for leaving her mate.

I followed the signs to room 15 and walked down the hall. "13,14,15,AHA!" I yelled and stuck the key in the door. I listened for any footsteps to see if Bryson was near. Yep, i heard footsteps but not his scent. It was different. I went inside the room and locked the door behind me.

Through the key hole i saw  3 homeless people? Wait. I sniffed through the door. Rouges! Uh-Oh! They might have Some men waiting outside to get Bryson too!Or that nice lady in front! I took a chair from a desk and put it up to the door. That might not even help if they all ready hunted!

Werewolves are usually stronger when they hunt and weak when they are starving. I got my phone out my pocket and called Bryson. "DADOODODADDAOODDADADOO" it was coming from Bryson's bag. I fumbled for the end button on the phone and pushed it rapidly.
"BANG BANG" they are coming!!!

I could probably take them down because i have alpha blood but,I am not taking any risks on these 3 girls. Thats right, girls. I can take em down maybe but if they have a leader of the rouges then they probably have lots of aggressive training.

I searched around the room and found a window. My only chance! I squeezed my but through the window and looked down.

Beautiful view! You can see the trees, and cars, and-wait my life is on the line. "Hurry Alicia hurry!" My wolf called out.

I jumped down and landed on my butt. Owwwww! That really hurt! Oh well, i will heal my plums soon. I laughed at my joke of "plums" as i ran to the closest forest to shift.

Wait, what am i forgetting?
****************5 seconds later************

Oh shoot,Bryson! I turned around and being the stupid person i am, i ran back to the rouges to save Bryson.

I opened the doors of the hotel and saw the lady again. They didn't take her? Then i felt a pair of hands go over my hands. The hands were soft so i knew it was a girl; a rouge. "AAAAAAAAAA" i yelped as i turned around. "Wow, you got scared that much?" Bryson laughed. I jumped into his arms.

"They didn't get you!" I mumbled into his shirt

"Oh, those girls!" He waved his hand in the air

" They were nothing! When i was about to kill them, They just said they wanted to talk to you, so i locked them in some handcuffs i had, don't ask!And there was something else!"He said tapping on his chin

"Oh they wanted to talk to you about a Woman named Martha.

My heart jumped. That was my mothers name.

Authors note: hey guys! Do you like this book? If so please tell me in the comments and tell me if you prefer Channing Tatum, or Ian Somerhalder. Thankyou!

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