Before Night

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I looked at the clock


I sprang out of bed and started looking for Trisha and Brian.

They must have been in water, i cant find their scent anywhere!

**************2 hours later***************

Still, no sign of Trisha or Brian.I have been searching the whole underground mountain for  2 hours!!

Jake really pushed his pack members to the limit! It must have taken  so long to dig all the way through the mountain.

Jake will be awake any minute, and i need to save Trisha and Brian before i kill myself at the mall!!

What if they aren't here? Then all this looking would be for nothing.

Oh well, i gave my best maybe ill run into another cave entrance.

"Ready to go to the mall babe?" Jake said leaning on the door frame

"Don't call me babe and I thought you weren't coming with me."

I actually hope he does, if he sees me die with his own eyes, he is most likely to kill himself.

I hate to say this but our mate bond is very strong.

"I have decided to come just to spend time with you before you know."

So he wants to spend time with me before he rapes me. Well too bad! Ill be dead by then!

Then, it hit me.


He is the reason i want to kill myself.

He is the reason all the drama happened.

I have always thought that i can never run away from my problems but i can.

Jake is the reason for the problems.

I need to kill Jake.

Saved By My Mateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें