Chapter 6 - To Catch a Tiger

Comenzar desde el principio

A solitary rider screeched to a sliding stop on the outcrop, totally blocking my view of Lord Kenshin and Kanetsugu. There was a quiet exchange, beyond my hearing more than my understanding.

The command to remount was given sharply.

This time I wasn't flanked, just led and I soon found out why. It looked as if this path was new, recently constructed and much narrower than the one to the outcrop. To my left other sounds started to filter down, the unmistakable sounds of battle. We slowed, then stopped. Kanetsugu signaled to the retainer leading me to dismount. I was pulled roughly over, still on the horse, and a gag swiftly tied before I was shoved back upright again.

My heart tried to flutter, but I increased my hold around it and shifted my breathing to my nose, steadily regaining control of its beat.

The path twisted, bringing the sounds of battle closer, then twisted away and they faded for a bit. I was having to really concentrate on riding, my horse stumbled a couple of times, lurching me forwards, reminding me my shoulders still burned. Fortunately, still having reins I was able to bring the horse back up easily, but the retainer yanked on the lead as well, making it an unnecessarily complicated ride.

We halted again, nothing but the sound of restless horses and metal, with a backdrop of battle somewhere to the side. Again, it seemed we were waiting for something.

Kanetsugu raced off ahead, and in the space he left behind I could see the path stretch straight on a sharp incline for several hundred yards. His horse and form reappeared and we moved off swiftly, a fast canter against the slope and the newly made path.

As we crested the rise we seemed to be in a small command post, perched on the top of the hill. A billowing series of banners bearing Kenshin's emblem fluttered in the breeze across the space. As I looked around it occurred to me it looked more like a stage.

All dismounted quickly and I was tipped off my horse with barely enough time to let go of the reins.

Lord Kenshin swirled around and pointed "There." He commanded and I was shoved to the ground and held there by two retainers. The horses were led back over the rise and everyone had swords drawn and bows ready.

Kanetsugu was searching the skies.

"How long?" Kenshin looked impatient.

Two arrows arced across the sky, one with a blue flame, the other red.

"They are coming as expected milord, on two fronts - there, " He pointed towards the crested banner, " And there." He spun slightly to his left.

"Perfect." Kenshin smiled.

"All hold" Kanetsugu barked at the men, "Only Lord Kenshin's voice or mine will command you."

There was a bristling grim silence in reply, all stood like statues around me.

Then I heard it.

The sound of battle approaching.

"Finally." Kenshin's smile broadened, it was the most terrifying I had seen - evil delight.

Some deep part of me shivered in my dark space.

I looked up to see him walking towards me, the pendant once again entwined in his fingers. He squatted beside me and turned my face to his with the same hand.

"A Tiger's head for yours - not really a fair swap, but worth it nonetheless."

I had no idea what he was planning, but knew I was going to be used in some way against Lord Shingen. I had to trust what the woman in the dark had said; others were trying to help me. I went down into my empty place and stared back into those dangerous eyes.

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