New Beginings

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*Lin's POV*

It's been a week since Pippa told me she had a something to tell me, but I was willing to wait for it.

In that week, I noticed Pippa starting to have an increase in appetite. Again, I didn't mind; I was starting to think this was how she was coping.

I also noted that she's gained some weight, but yet again, I didn't seem to mind.

By the end of the week, I was growing suspicious of what she had to tell me, the anticipation was killing me and I couldn't handle waiting anymore, I needed to know.

It was now Saturday, and I decided to sleep in. The anticipation of knowing, was surprisingly exhausting.

Much to my dismay, Sebastian came running into my room, followed by Pippa right around 9:30.

"Daddy, daddy, look!"

I heard him say as he jumped on my bed. I sat up and rubbed my eyes to see Pippa carrying in a tray of food. It was breakfast in bed.

"My name is Sebby, I am your son, and mommy cooked some eggies!"

I smiled and laughed at his little rhyme. "What's all this for? It's not my birthday..." I said, humbled my the gesture, but a tad confused as to why this was happening.

Pippa placed the tray across my lap and kissed my forehead. "Like I said, I have something to tell you, and I figured I should make the day worthwhile. Can't I be a good wife?" She said with a chuckle.

I smiled and began to eat the delicious food. Today is the day I get to finally find out what she has to tell me.

*around lunch time*

By 12:30, we had already had breakfast, gone to the park, did some shopping, and went to the movies, and it was now lunch time.

Lunch was simple. We were walking in Central Park and grabbed some hot dogs.

We ate while we walk and enjoyed each other's company and the sights of the park.

As my appetite diminished, my anticipation grew.

"Pippa, when are you going to tel-" I was cut off by the sound of music being played.

The music sounded very similar. I stopped for a second and thought.

I know this music because I wrote it.

'That Would Be Enough'

Sebastian grabbed my hand and pulled me over to a bench to sit down. As I sat, Pippa emerged from behind a tree holding a box in front of her.

'Look around, look around, at how lucky we are to be alive right now...'

She gradually got closer to me. She took my hand in hers and continued to sing, and as she sung, Chris, Renée, Jasmine, Anthony, Groff, Daveed, and Oak all started to come out of hiding and joined Pippa in singing.

By this point, I was standing up, my hand still in Pippa's as I looked into her eyes.

She continued to sing, but left certain lines out. She was coming to an end with 'let this moment be the first chapter.... we could be enough... that would be enough...'

As the song drew to an end, she opened the small box she was holding and handed it to me.

I look in the box and see two things; a note from Pippa, and a small sonogram photo.

My eyes start to fill with tears and I look back up at Pippa.

"Are we...?"

She placed both of her hands on my arms and gently squeezed them.

"We are..."

I looked at her, with tears running down my cheeks and hugged her as tight as possible.

I felt her return the embrace and I heard our friends clap and holler.

As I pulled away from the hug, I look to our friends. Jaz and Ant were hand and hand, Renée was holding a clapping Sebastian, Chris was standing in the middle of Oak and Daveed.

This was the perfect moment. A moment I'll never forget. A moment surrounded by my friends and family.

*later that night; back at the apartment*

I was more than happy. Pippa and I have been through so much, and this was our new beginning. We were getting the chance to welcome a combination of us into the world again.

Pippa joined me on the couch, and I was still looking at the picture and the note. I smiled and wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

"Baby, that was beautiful. Thank you." I said as I kissed her forehead. She smiled and snuggled into me.

"I'm really excited to have this second chance. I'm so happy, Lin. We're gonna be parents! I mean, to a mix of you and me anyway" she said with that cute little laugh.

I smiled and held her close and I brought the picture into both our sights. "Our kid" I said with a big smile.

Pippa smiled and giggled. "Our kids" she corrected me.


She nodded.


*Here it is! The final chapter of 'Infectious'. Thank you all for reading, I hope you all enjoyed this. I will be starting the sequel this weekend! Comment your thoughts, or anything else. Thanks for all your support! And if any of you need help with writing or want to colab, let me know, just shoot me a message! My messages are open for help, roleplay, or just a regular conversation! -Matthew*

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