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*Narrative POV*

It's been a whole week since Lin, Pippa, and Sebastian moved to California.

Luckily, the move went smoothly. They were able to get a good sized apartment, and all of their belongings made it safely from New York.

Pippa was crazy busy with Amélie rehearsals and hardly spent any time at home, which caused Lin to adapt to what seemed like his old ways, a single father. But he knew that when she could, she would help, hands down.

On Sunday, Pippa finally had a day off. She woke up especially early to make breakfast for her small family.

"Lin, wake up, its 9:30, Sebastian's already up. I made breakfast" She said as she walked into their bedroom. Lin slowly got up, rubbing his eyes before stepping out of bed.

Lin followed suit into the kitchen. He sat at the island and ate his breakfast next to his son, as Phillipa started to clean the dishes she used.

*3 weeks later. (Yes I know I'm skipping around, but it's necessary.)

As of late, Pippa was the only source of income that they had. Most of the money that Lin earned from 'Hamilton' had gone into the move, and paying for the wedding.

California was not a cheap place to live, and the couple quickly found that out.

"Lin." Pippa said subtly but sternly, to Lin who was at the table, scrolling through Twitter. "Hm?" He looked up at her.

(I'm gonna show their conversation. P for Pip, L for Lin, you guys get it)

P: "We're behind on rent, we need food, we still haven't payed the moving company entirely, Sebastian has a doctors appointment tomorrow with a crazy copay. Are you sure you don't have any money left?"

L: "I already told you, everything I had went towards this move and the wedding, Pippa. Just ask for an extension on rent. Don't we have insurance? That should cover his copay. And we can just order a pizza and have that for a few days."

P: "Lin. I can't keep paying for everything here. Yes, I'm getting payed for rehearsals, but it's still not enough.."

L: "We'll figure it out, just calm down, Pippa."

P: "Why don't you see if you could get a part time job or something? Do something. Write music for something, I don't know. Just figure out what to do."

Pippa said before she walked away. She was annoyed and irritated that Lin sat around the house for the most part.

Lin was taken back by the conversation he and Pippa just had. As much as he wished he could argue, he couldn't. She was right. He hadn't done anything since they moved but sat on Twitter all day.

*That night*

Just as he was about to shut his phone off and go to bed, his phone started ringing. The color ID read 'Walt Disney Co.' Lin sat straight up, which caused Pippa to sit up.

"Who is it?" She asked, before Lin could say anything he answered.

"Yes! I'd love to. Okay, tomorrow, 8. Got it! Thank you so much!"

Lin hung up and looked at Pippa with a big smile on his face.

"Well, are you gonna tell me or just sit there with that goofy smile?" She asked and giggled.

"You'll never guess what just happened.."

*Ah, cliffhangers! My favorite. Hope you all have a nice day!  - Matthew.*

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