"Take a break, please.."

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*Lin's POV*

It's been 5 days since the car accident. I finally got released from the hospital. But, Pippa still acts like I'm in the hospital. She doesn't let me do much. When I try to it's always: "No no no, it's okay, I got it. Just relax".

I know she cares and is worried, but I'm better. Sure, I'm still a little sore and I've got a busted arm, but I can still help out.

Pippa has been running around like crazy lately. She has Amélie rehearsals, she insists on taking care of me, Sebastian, the house and in the middle of this all, she's planning our wedding.

*that night*

I walk into our bedroom after setting Sebastian down, and I see Pippa sitting at the desk with the laptop open, papers everywhere, script in hand, music off to the side, and her head in her hand.

"Pip?" I ask before slowly approaching her. She doesn't respond.

"Pippa." I say as I stand right next to her. She jumps and looks up at me.


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just.. relax" she said and tried to get me to lay down.

"No. Pippa. I don't think I'm the one who needs to relax."

"Lin, I'm fine."

"Phillipa. Stop. You're killing yourself by trying to juggle it all..."

She sighed and looked at me, her eyes exhausted.

I grabbed her hands and stroked them with the back of my thumbs.

"Take a break, please. Take a few days off of rehearsal, and let me take care of you.."

She went to say something, but I cut her off with a kiss, and she nodded.

"Good." I say and lead her to our bed.

She gets all snuggled in the blankets and I do the same.

"Oh! There's a letter for you from the Disney Company." She said and reached over to the night stand to grab the letter.

I open it.

Dear Mr. Miranda,
Our sincere apologies for your accident. We hope you are making a quick and healthy recovery and will be back to working with us very soon. We hope that the injuries you sustained are not of a too serious manner and that your family won't have to worry. We all here miss you and can't wait to start working with you on these projects. Feel well soon!
Yours truly,
Willow and the Walt Disney Company. Xx

I was disgusted at the closing of the letter. Why would that Willow chick personally close her name? I rolled my eyes and crumpled it up.

"Who's Willow?" Pippa asked me, and I furrowed my brows.

"She's one of the secretaries there and she got really flirty with me. But no stress. I only have eyes for you." I said and kissed her hand.

She smiled and shut off the light.

*Did you guys actually think I'd have him cheat? Come onnn. Anywho, the next chapter is gonna be the wedding! So keep an eye out. Also, happy new year! - Matthew*

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