You Should Have Told Me

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*Lin's POV*

The doctor just called to tell me good news, yet, bad news was wrapped up into it.

The good news, he found a better suited liver for my Pippa.

The bad news?

The bad news, Pippa's pregnant and we might lose the baby if they do the surgery.

The bad news, if she doesn't get the surgery, she could die.

The bad news, she's pregnant and didn't tell me about.

I still should've known. Somehow. Someway, I should've figured it out.

I knew that even though I was mad she didn't tell me, I couldn't hold that against her. She has so much going on, and me being mad it her is the last thing she needed right now.

After I finished my conversation with the doctor, I decided I needed to go back to the hospital. I wanted to be there if anything happened. No little or how extreme it was.

"Chris. We have to go to the hospital."

"Why? Is everything okay?"

"They found a new liver for Pip. And she's pregnant."

I grabbed the car keys and headed out the door, Chris following suit.

We're greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Soo when we arrive at the hospital. They lead the way to Pippa's room.

She's awake.

I slowly made my way into the room.

"Hey..." I said quietly as I pulled up a chair next to her.

She quickly grabs my hand and squeezes it.

"Lin, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. I'm so sorry I'm causing all this trouble..."

I gently rub the back of her hand with my thumb.

"Ssshh. It's okay, it's okay... the fact that you're alive right now is a miracle..."

She held onto my hand until she had to go into surgery.

Before she was taken all the way back, I kissed her hand.

These next few hours would be the most excruciating of my life.

One Pippa, 5 Surgeons, 7 hour surgery.

I hoped and prayed that Pippa and our baby would make it.

Everyone who sat in the waiting room, were dead quiet. No one moved, no one spoke.

It created a tense, unsettling atmosphere.

*7 hours later*

We were told we could go back and see Pippa now. She was awake and doing okay.

As I entered the room, I saw a nurse doing an ultrasound.

"Congratulations Mr. And Mrs. Miranda! You're going to be welcoming a baby in December!"

I rushed to Pippa's side and held her hand.

"Our kid!"

I was smiling ear to ear looking at my wife and the little blurb that would soon look like a baby on the screen.

Things were gonna be okay.

Both my wife and child were alive.

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