July 9th, 2016

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*Lin's POV*

I woke up extra early. 6:30, to be exact. I rolled over to see Pippa in a blissful sleep. I smiled and gently kissed her head before I got out of bed.

Sebastian was still asleep when I checked in on him. I decided to make some coffee to start my morning off.

Almost everything we owned was in a box.

Today was Pippa and mine last show before we moved to California. We had packed everything ahead of time, which was a good idea, because there was a lot.

I sat at the counter and drank my coffee, reading the news paper, waiting for my family to get up.

By 7:30, Pippa woke up and made her way into the kitchen.

"Good morning, love" I said and got up and kissed her cheek.

She smiled and sleepily replied "good morning".

We sat together on the couch and watched the news.

"Are you ready for our last show?" I asked while playing with her hair.

"It's crazy.. our last show. It's been a crazy journey. I don't want it to end, but, I'm ready for the next chapter in our lives. I'm gonna miss it.." she said, smiling slightly.

I was gonna miss it too. I was gonna miss New York. It's my home, I never lived anywhere else. It was crazy to think that this was my last show in Hamilton.

I've worked on it for so long, it was hard to let it go, but I knew it would be left in good hands.

"California.. I can't believe it" I said and Pippa smiled.

"Mhm, but it's not like we'll be there forever! We are coming back after previews." She said with a smile which caused me to smile.

I woke Sebastian up around 10:00. I got him ready for the day and waited for my parents to come pick him up.

Pippa and had to head in early to the theatre because we were going to have a small going away party with the cast before the show tonight.

We left our basically vacant apartment around 12:00, to head to the theatre. When we arrived, we were welcome by the whole cast, and crew.

Hugs, kisses, and congratulations were constantly offered and dished out. We all shared smiles.

This cast was truly a blessing. They're an amazing group of people who I felt honored to have worked with.

*end of the show*

"Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?" The cast sang in unison.

We all lined up to take our bows.

Leslie, Pippa, and I stepped forward from the rest of the cast to take our last official bows for this show.

Neither of us had dry eyes. It was very emotional, but like Pippa said, it's time to start the next chapter.

After I changed out of my costume and back into my normal clothes, I waited for Pippa to come out.

Renée and Jasmine walked her to me. I knew that this was gonna be hard on the girls, they were practically sisters.

My parents met us out side of the theatre with Sebastian. We head towards the airport.

"Ready?" I asked Pip as we boarded the plane, and found our seats.

She sat down and looked at me.

"Ready." She said and grabbed my hand.

In four hours, we would be in sunny California.

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