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*Lin's POV*

The road to recovery for Pippa hasn't been easy on her. It's been hard on both of us, actually.

She struggles daily with coming to terms that she won't be able to do much of anything for a while.

I struggle with trying to balance her needs alongside Sebastian's and mine. I make sure she and my son are taken care of before I am, because it's my duty.

On top of this all, I still have a job to do. That entails me commuting to work and back home.

Good thing Mr. And Mrs. Soo decided to come and stay a while after my parents left, because if they hadn't, I don't know what I would've done.

Today was a rare day that I had off and I was excited to be spending my day relaxing with my wife and son.

8AM trails along and I decide it's time to get up and start the day.

I gently get out of bed and I walk to the kitchen. I look in our fridge and think of what to make.

As I'm looking, I hear tiny footsteps get closer to me.

"Daddy, I fink we should have donuts!" I hear Sebastian say. I smile and turn to face him.

"Donuts? Again?" I ask, laughing a bit.

He smiles ear to ear and nods.

"Alright. Let's go get some donuts" I say as we head out of the apartment.

*Pippa's POV*

I slowly awake as I hear the sound of birds chirping and feel the morning sun on my back.

I yawn and rub my eyes.

I reach over to the nightstand and grab my phone, as I hit the home button, I see that I have several notifications.

They're mostly messages from Lin.

L: hey, Seb and I went to get donuts, be home soon

I read and notice the time. The message was sent at 8:15. I look over at the clock, it's now 8:30.

After a second yawn, I start to make my way out of bed. As I sit up, I'm stopped my a rush of pain.

Clenching to my stomach, I push through the pain and get out of bed and make my way to the kitchen.

As I walk into the living room and kitchen area, I'm greeted by my parents and my husband and Sebastian.

"Mommy!" Seb exclaimed as he ran up to me.

I smiled as he hugged my leg. "Hey bubba. Did you get donuts?" I said and scruffed his hair.

He nods and takes my hand as he guided me to a chair at the counter in the kitchen.

I smiled and sat.

"How ya feeling?" Lin asked as he handed me my favorite donut.

I smiled and looked at him.

"Better. A little sore getting out of bed, but better."

He smiled and sat next to me.

Just as I'm about to bite my donut, I start to feel dizzy and all my surroundings start spinning.

I space out.

The next thing I remember, is waking up on the floor, my father and Lin looking at me, while my mother held Sebastian.

"We need to get her checked out..." I hear my dad say before things go dark again.

*i keep leaving you with cliffhangers, I'm so sorry. But I hope you guys enjoy! - Matthew.*

Also, my uploading schedule hasn't been the best, I'm trying to upload as often as I can!

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