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*Narrative POV, also using italics because it looks cool*

The date was November 28th. This day would sooner be known as Lin and Pippa's wedding anniversary.

The location was no other but the wonderful New York City.

The venue was of course, the theatre that held something that they shared a great passion for. The Richard Rodger's Theatre.

The guest naturally were family, friends, and the cast of 'Hamilton'.

*In Phillipa's dressing room*

Pippa had chosen her dress with the help from her Schuyler Sisters, Renée and Jasmine. It was a beautiful white gown with some lace.

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(Use the picture for a reference)

The girls were in their dressing room getting ready. They were all so excited. Pippa had decided that Renée would be her maid of honor, and Jasmine of course was a bridesmaid along with other girls from the ensemble.

"You know, we've really missed you! It's crazy that you live on the other side of the country now, Pips" Jasmine said as she put on her mascara.

Pippa smiled and laughed a bit. "I know. It's crazy. But don't worry, we'll be back soon, I promise!" She said as her hair was getting done.

The girls finished getting ready, laughing and smiling away.

*In Lin's dressing room*

Lin and the guys were just about done getting ready. Lin went with a classic black and white tuxedo.

Chris Jackson was his best man; it was only fitting considering the two were best friends.

Chris was adjusting his tie and then adjusted Lin's.

"Your life is gonna begin now. You have a beautiful son and a beautiful bride waiting for you. I'm so happy for you, bro." He said and pulled Lin into a hug.

The guys decided to wait a little longer, considering it didn't take them long at all to get ready.

Sebastian was in a cute little tux and he was going to be the ring bearer, and Renée's daughter, Brielle, was going to be the flower girl. They looked adorable.

Lin started to get nervous.

He loves Pippa with all his heart and would do anything for her, but this was the moment.

The moment that it was all falling back into place.

He'd be married. Living away from his family, but with his own little family all the way across the country.

They could start a family.

Thoughts kept rushing into his head. But he calmed himself by quoting his own show.

'Scratch that, this is not the moment it's the movement..' he silently repeated to himself.

*Okay, the wedding is starting now*

Lin waited on stage, in front of the little alter that the cast had made. The typical wedding music was playing and everyone in attendance sat in awe, waiting.

Pippa, at the arm of her father, came walking to Lin from the wings.

Lin caught sight of her, and tears formed in his eyes; she was beautiful. Absolutely stunning.

As she approached him, he took her hands in his  and gazed into her kind, glittering eyes. (Anyone catch that Great Comet reference?)

The two exchanged vows.

"Pippa, from the day we first met, I knew that if I ever wanted to find happiness and truly feel loved, I'd have to turn to you. You're so welcoming and warm and you give all that you have in everything you do, and that's just one of the many things that I admire about you. I could go on and on and gush over how much I love you, but that would take a life time. So for now, I swear you'll never feel so helpless.."

"I once sent you a text really late at night just so I had an excuse to talk to you. I missed you and I wasn't sure if you missed me, but sure enough, you texted back and we hit things off and the world went away. You opened me up to a love that I didn't know existed and you believed in me and my talents and for that, I'm eternally grateful not only to what you've given me but to you for as long as I shall live. I look into your eyes and the sky's the limit..."

Everyone was tearing up, and smiling at the exchange.

Sebastian brought the rings forward and the minister spoke.

"By the power vested in me by the State of New York, i now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride"

Lin and Pippa smiled at each other and their lips locked.

Mr. And Mrs. Lin-Manuel Miranda.

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