3 AM, nightmare.

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*Lin's POV*

Pippa and I stayed out on the couch for a while, just chilling and watching TV. We occasionally made small talk, but for the most part, I was just enjoying holding her in my arms. It was enough.

Just around 2:30, Sebastian woke up from his nap, crying. I heard the alarm, also known as my son go off, and I got up. Pippa followed behind. "Ssshhh." I said as I proceed to pick him up. "It's alright buddy, it's alright." I was attempting to calm him down, but it was no use; he continued to cry.

"Here, let me." Pippa said and took him out of my arms. I smiled and watched as she calmed him down, almost instantly. "There, that wasn't so hard was it?" Pippa said smiling at Sebastian who was now happy and giggling.

I smiled in astonishment. She was amazing with kids, and she doesn't even have her own! Just another way that Phillipa Soo blows my mind.

The three of us walked back out to the living room. Pippa had set Seb down to play with his toys, but he kept walking over to the couch and reached for the remote. I knew this meant he wanted to watch 'Chuggington' so I flipped to the channel it was on and he sat down.

By 5:30, we had eaten dinner and Sebastian was a complete mess. "Good thing bath time is in an hour!" I said, laughing and scruffing his hair.

I turned to look at Pip, who was on the couch, watching the news. "Love? When should we go and get your things? I want you to be settled as soon as possible." I said smiling.

She looked at me. "Oh! Um.. whenever you think is best. I know you've got your hands full with Sebastian, so whenever works for you!" She said with a smile.

"Well, I could call my parents to have them watch him. It shouldn't take too long, right?" I asked walking towards her. "Right!" She said smiling. I then nodded and proceeded to call my parents.

I heard a knock at the door. I open it to see no other, but my parents. I smiled as they walked in and gave them hugs. I turn back around after closing the door and I see Pippa holding Sebastian.

My parents look at me, not fully recognizing the girl standing in my apartment.

"Oh! Mama, Papa, this is Phillipa Soo. I've told you guys about her before I'm sure!" I said walking towards Pippa.

She smiled and held out her hand. "Hi, it's nice to finally meet you guys." She said shaking their hands.

"Pippa is actually my girlfriend." I said proudly to them and wrapped my arm around her waist.

My parents looked at each other and then smiled. "Oh, Lin, we're so happy for you!" My mother said as she hugged us.

"We shouldn't be long. We just need to grab Pip's things. Please make sure Sebby gets his bath at 6:30. Thanks guys, I owe you big time!" I said before walking out the door with Pippa.

Pippa and I came back to my, well, our apartment around 8:00. We kinda got lost on the way back and we took our time.

I opened the door to find the sight of my parents sitting on the couch. "Hello, hello, hello!" I said as we walked in.

They turned and got up. "Hey, you're back!" My dad said and I chuckled. "Hon, you can just set your boxes anywhere." I said as Pippa walked in and looked for a place to set her things down. She nodded.

They left soon after. Sebastian was already fast asleep in his room. I smiled and checked on him and gave him a kiss on the head. I then walked back into my room.

I glanced at the clock and noticed it was already 12:00. Time just seemed to fly by. Pippa was still awake and she was laying in our bed, watching TV.

I tuned off the light and looked at Pip. "I'm gonna try to catch some sleep. Goodnight love." I said as I kissed her forehead. She smiled and hugged me before she fell asleep too.

At 3:00 am, I rolled over to hopefully wrap my arms around Pippa, but instead I just felt the empty bed.

"Pip?" I said sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

I turned to see Phillipa sitting in the corner of the room, her knees to her chest. She was quietly sobbing. I got up and walked to her. "Baby, baby, what's wrong?" I asked gently as I sat down next to her.

She didn't say a word, she looked at me and just wrapped her arms around me. I held her close and stroked her hair. "It's okay, it's okay.." I kept saying quietly to her. "Talk to me, what's going on?" I asked as I wiped her tears.

She was shaking and trying to recollect herself. "I... I.. it was just a nightmare. I'm sure I'm fine." She said quietly but firmly. I looked at her and nodded. "It's okay, I'm here now."

After that we kissed, and I could feel her tension disappear as the kiss continued. I kept wanting more, but she was fragile as of now.

I pulled away and smiled at her.

"Let's go back to bed." I said and she nodded.

Pippa fell asleep in my arms peacefully for the rest of the night.

*Hey! So like always leave comments below or any suggestions or feedback. I'd really like to know if anyone is enjoying it because if so, I'll continue, if not, I'll just stop. Thanks guys, -Matthew. *

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