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*Narative POV, this is a quick filler chapter I guess?*

Life has been anything but normal for the Miranda's. Lin's always crazy busy with work, Pippa with preparing for the arrival of their daughter, and Sebastian now attends a new daycare that fits his needs much better.

Pippa found herself with a lot of downtime recently and decided to call a few old friends over. She called her Schuyler Sisters, Renée and Jasmine.

The girls quickly arrived at the apartment and Pippa greeted them with a hug.

The ladies were going to go out, but decided against it. Simple tasks were beginning to pose difficult for Pippa. Her bump was constantly getting in the way. They decided to just stay in and watch Netflix.

They were half way through a movie when Pippa got up to get a drink of water.

When she got up, Renée noticed a pool of blood where Pippa was sitting. She raised an eyebrow and got up.

Pippa was on the floor, clenching to her stomach in pain, blood everywhere.

"Jaz! Call 911!" Renée screamed as she rushed to Pippa.

Renée knew this sight.

It was a miscarriage.

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