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"Hey slightly" I said while sitting under the tree "so things have changed round camp now. After the whole newt turning into a dragon thing rufio explained everything to him. And well now we have more people living with us. As I stuck true to my word to thomas and used my ways to persuade Peter to bring the rest of the gladers here. They all live in treehouses above our tree house underground. It quite cool actually, considering how big the tree was. It's like a community in the sky. Oh and you'll never believe who decided to finally become a couple. Tink and Minho made it official"

I took a deep breath and glanced round at the clearing. A single tear fell down my cheek. "If only you were here. We could prank the living crap out of them"

I heard a branch snap. I turned to see Peter walk out. He gave me a small smile. "Hey"

"Hey" I replied. After the whole battle thing me and Peter also made it official. But I also had to check with newt to see if he would be okay with it. He finally understand where I was coming from and accepted us. Now me and newt are really good friends.

"I'll talk to you soon slightly" I said and stood up and walked into Peters arms. Then we broke our hug and gave each other a kiss.

"How are you this morning love?" He asked

I gave him a small smile "good"

"Good" he replied and took my hand and started leading me back into camp.

When we got there all the boys where sitting on the big picnic bench laughing at each other.

Minho had Tink sitting on his lap. Their hands intertwined together while her head leaned on his shoulder.

Tootles, nibs and chuck were packed in together discussing something.

Alby had his shoulder on newt as they both laughed at something. While Thomas and Gally sat opposite them trying to hold in their laughter.

All in all it was a heart warming sight.

"Morning guys!" I shouted sitting down.

"Morning rose!" They all replied.

Peter then sat down next to me and wrapped an arm around me. "Do you think it will always be like this?" I asked.

"We can only hope love" he replied.

"Okay gang grubs up!" Frypan yelled placing the huge tray of food on the table. We all grabbed food as fast as we can before it was all gone.

"You know I've been thinking" Peter started.

"That's a dangerous thing to do" I replied before biting into my toast.

He chuckled "anyway. I was thinking that we should take things to the next level"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Move into my room rose?" Peter asked.

I nearly chocked on my toast. "W-what"

"You heard me. Move into my room" he gave me a pleading look. I just nodded. He smiled really brightly and hugged me.

"But I'll start tomorrow" I replied. He nodded. "I need one more night with my bed" he chuckled.

"Hey you two love birds stop!" Winston yelled. Me and Peter broke apart while blushing like mad.

Oh what a beautiful morning!


I sighed as the warm water pelted down my body. The only sound was the running water.

"Rose" a eerie voice called. I quickly turned around. No one was there.

"Rose" the voice called again. then a sickly laugh was heard.

"W-who's there!" I called out.

"Rose are you okay?" Newt asked through the door.

I shook my head quickly. "Yeah I'm fine!" I answered back.

I could hear his footsteps walk away. I then turned off the shower and stepped out, wrapping the big towel around myself.

I then turned to my mirror and wiped the condensation off it.

I held in my scream as a different face appeared on the other side of the mirror.

It was a girl in her early thirties. She had long blonde almost white hair. Pale white skin and extremely bright blue eyes.

She smirked at me. "Hello rose" oh my god that was the voice that was calling me.

"Who are you?" I asking in a quiet voice

"Oh I'm the person who's magic you stole" her eyes darkened.

"Ursula" I breathed out.

Her smirk widened "that's right. So you better get used to me because I'm here to stay"

Hey guys so that was the end of gladers in neverland. But don't worry! I'm starting the sequel. I'll be posting it on my profile within the month.

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