Chapter 1

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"no please!" I pleaded

"I didn't do it!" Minho didn't listen and continued to drag me towards the group of gladers. didn't expect him to. he'd be glad to see the back of me. along with half of the glade.

oh let me explain. I came up in the glade about a year ago. it was alright then, I had a load of friends. Minho and Thomas were like my older brothers, Chuck was my prank buddy and then there was Newt. lets just say I had a huge crush on him. there's the key word HAD. he's the reason half the glade don't like me. he spread rumors about me to the others and turned everyone against me. well almost everyone. I still had ben. but he was banished two weeks ago. because of the rumors my life turned to clunk. frypan gave me leftovers left for a week for food, some gladers stole my things and they would throw mud at me when I walked by then later take my clothes and towel when I showered.

the reason why im being banished is because one boy, Gally, thought he could take advantage of me. I proved him wrong when I beat his ugly ass. but that came with consequences. I broke one of the rules and because everyone believed him over me. well you get the picture.

as soon as we got to the middle I looked at all the faces. Chuck and Thomas stood away from everyone else and watched from a distance. Minho held an emotionless face while standing next to the door. his eyes made contact with mine and a glare graced his face. I looked away and turned to Gally he was smirking at me. that jackass will have what's coming for him. then there was Newt. he also had a emotionless face on but he wouldn't make eye contact with me.

Minho gave Alby a look which he nodded too. Minho then threw a small bag into the maze. "poles!" alby shouted making all the keepers aim their poles at me. just then a gust of wind went passed me. the doors were closing.

"move in!" the keepers then started to push there poles towards me pushing me closer to the maze.

"no please! I didn't do it!" I shouted. but it was no use. I was half way though the doors so I had to move to the other side or get squashed. I took one more glance at them just before the door closed. I kept my eyes on Newt. what shocked me was he had a tear falling down his cheek. then the walls closed and now I had to fight for survival.


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I held onto my stomach with one hand while the other held onto the maze wall. I had just ran from a griever for half an hour and now im exhausted. I slumpted my back against the wall and my butt landed on the floor.

just then the roar of a close by griever rang through my ears. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I opened my eyes to see the slimy beast in front of me. it roared in my face. I just stared at it. then suddenly it raised its needle to me. just as it was about to plunge its needle into me it went flying across the hall and smashing into the furthest wall.

now in front of me stood a dark figure. a hovering dark figure with glowing white eyes staring right at me. I took a deep breath in. the figure then held his hand out for me. I looked in the direction of the griever to see it stand back up.

"come with me if you want to live" the figure said in an eerie voice. the griever then looked in my direction and started to charge for me . without thinking I reached for the hand. suddenly we went flying in the air.

we went soring into space. I turned my head to glance back at the maze. I saw the same griever roaring at me. then I looked at the glade. I saw figures dancing round the fire and boys wrestling in the ring. they were celebrating my banishment.

I tear my gaze away from them and back to the figure. "where are you taking me?" I asked it

"neverland." It simply said not even turning its head to me. rude.


we suddenly were flying over a ocean. it was dark and hands reached out to grab my feet but I kicked them away. as if sensing my distress the figure flew higher, away from the hands. I looked up to see an island in the distance.

"is that neverland?" I asked

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"is that neverland?" I asked. the figure didn't reply and flew over the island. suddenly my hand started slipping from the figures grip. I reached my other arm out to grap his arm but it went right through him. then suddenly he let go of my other hand and I went crashing down.

I fell through the leaves of a tree and hitting a few branches as I went down. I could see the ground getting closer and closer. I brought my hands to my chest and closing my eyes waiting for the impact. when it never came I opened my eyes. I was surrounded by this glowing green thing. to my right I heard multiple laughs. I turned to my right to see a group of scruffy looking boys staring at me in amusement.

suddenly the glowing green light left my body and I went crashing onto the floor. this made the boys laugh even more. slintheads.

"enough!" a boy shouted and walked over to me. when he got in front of me he held out his hand which I gladly accepted. when I was pulled to my feet I came face to face with the green eyed boy. "you must be Rose"

"h-how do you know that?" I asked.

he raised his eyebrow and smirked at me "im Peter Pan I know a lot. welcome to neverland" he said and the boys behind him started cheering. and that is how my new life started.

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