Chapter 8

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"Alright people today we are going to play capture" Peter said walking round us. The gladers all murmured something to each other and gave each other a confused look.

"Hell yeah!" The twins yelled at the same time while fist bumping the air.

"Hey Peter" Alby called raising his hand. Peter looked over to him and nodded "what is this capture game?"

"Well there are two teams yellow and green. Both teams have a base at each end of the training camp. In both bases there is a jail cell. The name of the game is to set traps and try to capture the other team and bring them to the jail cell. You can also chase people. Once people are in the cell they are out of the game. The team that captured all of the other team players is the winner. Got it new boy!" Peter explained

All the boys nodded. I could feel a burning gaze to my left. I looked over to see newt looking at me intently.

"What a creep" slightly whispered besides me

I turned to look at him "who's a creep?" I asked folding my arms across my chest.

He gave me the 'you serious' face "the new boy called newt. He's been staring at you ever since we got here even before that. What happened with you two after breakfast?" He ask

I shook my head "I'll explain to you after training today okay" I said. He nodded and we both looked back to Peter.

" okay as it is an uneven number of us I will be referee okay yellow team is chuck, Alby, curly, newt, slightly, Thomas and Gally and team green is Minho, rose, twin one and two, tootles,nibs and Felix. Everyone get to your base and when you hear the horn blow you may start. Good luck!" Peter said and teleported away. We all took that as our que to get to base.


"Okay everyone you remember your positions?" Felix asked. We all nodded " good get your backpacks ready and then we wait for the horn to blow."

I huffed and picked up my backpack with my supplies. My supply's being two nets, a mini dagger, a green marker, a water bottle and a compass just in case.

"Hey rose can I talk to you for a minute?" Minho asked walking over to me. I gave him a curt nod "I just wanted to apologise for the way I treated you in the glade. After you were banished newt told me that he made up all the rumours even the ones he said you said about me. And well we didn't speak for five months and even now we only talk when needed. And well I'm really sorry" he said while looking down at the ground

"Wait what did he say about you?" I asked pushing my hair back.

"He said that you called me gay and that you were the one who stole my hair products"

"I never said that. And from last night I know your not gay for a fact" I replied smirking

"What do you mean?" He asked looking panicked

"I know you like Tink" I said walking to the start of the base

"What! I do not" he protested

"Yah you do" I said clicking my fingers in his face

"Do not" he replied back snapping his fingers in my face. We both gave each other a look and burst out laughing.

"I missed this" I said after calming down.

Minho nodded "me too"

I opened my mouth to say something but was interrupted by the starting horn.

"Lets kick some ass!" I shouted. Everyone cheered and we all ran off.


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