Chapter 20

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As soon as I sat down at the breakfast table all the boys froze and looked at me. I sighed and looked back up at them. "What?" I questioned.

They all muttered 'nothing' and carried on eating. I shrugged and popped a grape in my mouth.

"Newt are you alright?" Thomas asked looking at the boy. I slowed down my chewing and looked over to him.

He was glaring down at his plate while aggressively cutting up his food.

"Just peachy" he muttered while continuing to cut up his food.

"Here we go again" slightly whispered in my ear. I turned and gave him a glare. "What!" He exclaimed but quickly put his hands over his mouth.

I looked back over to newt to see him glaring at me.

This is how it happened last time. He sent me a glare then turned all the gladers against me. I grew furious and stood up while slamming my hands on the table.

"What newt!" I screamed. His eyes widened. He'd of never expected this to happen "what is so upsetting for you to glare at me!"

"Stop glaring at her newt" Peter hissed

Newt turned his glare to Peter "shut up you egotistical moron!"

"Egotistical?" Peter questioned while tilting his head to the side.

"Will you both shut up your putting me off my food" Alby said looking at both of them.

"They've already put me off" I said and walked off. Slightly walked after me.

"What was that all about?" He asked catching up to me.

I sighed "me and Peter kissed last night"

slightly gave me a confused face. "Newt was standing at the door watching us"

"Ohh" he replied "figures"

"What do you mean by that?" I asked walking up the stairs

"Have you forgot about how newt told you he loved you a couple weeks ago?"

"I guess I did" I muttered opening the front door.

" Rose what are doing? Were not allowed out here"

I turned to slightly and shrugged "who cares. Besides I'm only walking a few feet outside" I said and walked outside.

Slightly groaned and followed me out. "What is your intention outside?"

"To get fresh air. Is that a crime?"

"Well considering Peter specifically told us not to go outside unless we want to get kidnapped by pirates then yes I think it is"

"Your overdramatic slightly" I replied sitting down on the grass.

"I am not!" He protested sitting down next to me.

"Whatever you say slightly,whatever you say" I said while picking up a piece of grass.

"Well in all fairness you haven't seen the dark side of Peter" he said grabbing a nearby stick.

I glanced up at him "oh believe me, I have" I said remembering last night when Peter threw things round my room.

"When?" He asked looking up at me.

I was about to reply when a rattle from a nearby bush stopped me. I quickly stood up, so did slightly.

I looked round to see a hooded figure run off. I quickly ran after it.

"Rose!" Slightly yelled running after me. But I didn't stop.

The figure started weaving through the trees to which slowed me down a bit. But I was determined to catch them.

Suddenly I stopped in a clearing. Where did they go! I felt slightly running into my back. Making us stumble a bit but we quickly positioned ourselves properly.

"Where'd they go?" Slightly asked while we were back to back.

I saw a shade of blue from the corner of my eye. "There!" I replied while pointing to the figure.

Then we were off in a flash. Me way in front of slightly. "Come on slightly we are gaining on him"

"I'm right behind you rose!" He responded.

I suddenly felt an adrenaline burst through me as I quickly sped up and dived at him.

We both fell down on the floor. I quickly turned him over. My eyes widened when I seen who he was.

"You" I said

He raised his eyebrows "me" he replied. It was the guy that helped me out in the glade before.

"How are you here?" I asked

He smirked "magic"

"I'm coming rose!" Slightly shouted running over to us. When he saw the figure he froze "no way"

I looked back to the boy " hey slightly been a while"

"You two know eachother?" I asked looking between the two boys.

"Very well" the boy replied.

"How are you alive?" Slightly asked . This is deja vu for me. Please don't tell coconuts are going to be thrown into people's noses again.

"The same way you are"

"Slightly! Rose!" Peter shouted running over to us. His steps faltered as he saw the guy under me. "What in bloody hells name are you doing here?"

"Peter my main man. Do me a favour and get your girlfriend off me" I blushed deep red while peter walked over and pulled me off the boy.

"Much better" the boy said standing up and dusting himself off. "Well its been nice seeing you but I must go now" he started to walk off

Peter quickly used his magic to trip him up "your not going anywhere"

"I forgot how controlling you are" the boy said standing up. Peter glared at him. "Well I guess I can't leave anytime soon so lead the way back to the treehouse."

He started walking and stopped right in front of slightly. Slightly just stared at him "well chop chop! We haven't got all day"

Slightly groaned "I haven't missed this side of you at all" then he turned and started to head back to the treehouse, the boy in tow.

I turned to peter "who is he?" I asked

"My names rufio" the boy said looking at me "and you are Rose. So now that we are done introducing each other let's go"

Peter rolled his eyes and followed after them.

I was starstruck. Rufio. as in the missing lost boy rufio. No way!

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