Chapter 15

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"Ai cap!" Someone shouted. I turned to my left to see Hooks most trusted companion, William Smee.

"Cap!" Smee shouted again and waddled up the top deck. I glanced round the ship quickly and followed slowly behind Smee.

"What is it Smee?" Hook question while folding up his telescope and looking at the red hatted pirate.

"Umm we have a stowaway cap" Smee replied. What the.

"Anyone I know Smee?" Hook asked while walking down the steps. I quickly scattered away and pretended to work.

"Yes cap" smee replied.

"Bring the stowaway to the top deck!" He demanded.

"Yes cap" Smee replied and waddled away.

Hook looked round the ship at all his minions. His eyes looked at me. So I quickly turned away and pretended to clean the deck with this rag I found on the side.

I could still feel his burning gaze on me. "Hey y-"

"Cap!" Smee shouted while walking up the stairs with a bunch of other footsteps. "The stowaway"

"Ahh lady bell it's a pleasure to see you again" hook said.

Say what? I quickly turned around to see tinkerbell being held by two pirates. "I would say the same but it really isn't a pleasure"

"I see that you still remember your manners" hook said and walked closer to her. She began to struggle round.

"I learnt from the best. Shank!" I had to bite my bottom lip to stop myself from laughing. Definitely the best.

"The question is miss bell, why are you on my ship?" Hook said lifting her chin with his hook.

"I have my reasons" she replied.

Hook laughed "I've been getting that answer a lot lately"

"Yeah I seen that when rose fought the tree" Tink shrugged. I turned deep red. Stupid drunk brain.

"Ahh so I guess your here to rescue rose"

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not" Tink replied while trying her best poker face.

"Well either way you won't save her" hook smirked. "Smee tie her to that pole"

"Yes cap" smee replied while him and the other pirates dragged Tink to the pole and tied her hands around it.

"I will save rose you'll see!" She yelled. The pirates just laughed at her.


I sat down on the dining table at the bottom of the ship with the rest of the crew. Tink was still tied on the pole outside.

"Alright crew!" Hook shouted making everyone look over at him. He raised his glass. "A toast! After many years of losing to the lost boys we finally have a secret weapon to destroy them" the pirates cheered. " to the legendary siren!"

"The legendary siren!" They all raised their glasses. I did the same just so they don't get suspicious.

"Alright lads enjoy the rest of your night I'm going to bed" Hook said and walked out. I sighed and took a huge gulp of my drink.

The pirates started chugging down their drinks one after another. I just blended in but didn't overdrink I don't need a repeat of last night.

Suddenly a pirate fell over and a bunch of pirates came over to help him. I took that as my que to leave.

I quietly shut the door and crept up the stairs.

"I'm a survivor! I'm not going to give up! I'm not going to stop-"

"Tink!" I shouted making her shut up.

"Listen you evil pirate! when I'm out of these ropes I'm going grab my dagger and shove it up your-

"Tink! It's me" I said walking in front of her and pulling up my hat.

"Oh thank god! That makes it easier for my plan to magically untie myself and rescue you"

I gave her a blank look "I'm rescuing you"

"Well your the one that got kidnapped" she replied raising her eyebrows

"Let's talk about this later" I replied cutting the ropes off her wrists. I pulled her over to the side of the ship and jumped on the wall.

"Stop!" Hook yelled running on deck.

I turned and saluted him "see ya blue eyes!" I yelled then both me and Tink jumped into the water.

As soon as I hit the water I transformed into my mermaid form. Then we swam up for air.

"Rose you can't swim in these waters. Peter told you! It's dangerous" Tink exclaimed flapping her arms in the water.

I grabbed her arm. "Well what was I supposed to do? Get my inflatable boat and sail away"

"Fire!" I heard. I looked up to see a cannon ball launching towards us.

Without thinking I dived under the water with Tink holding tightly to my arm. I swam under the ship and kept going. I then went back up so Tink could have some air.

As soon as we hit the surface she started gasping for air "you couldn't of went up any sooner?!"

I just rolled my eyes. "Hold your breath again" I told her and dived back into the water.

Tink started to viciously tug on my arm so I turned to look at her. My eyes widened when I saw two mermaids grabbing her legs.

I quickly pulled her closer to me. The mermaids let her go and glared at me. "What's your problem bitch? We share our food!" The blonde one said squaring me up while the brunette went for the drowning Tink again.
This was getting annoying now.

"STOP!" I yelled. I jumped at my own voice. It was so deep and commanding. The other mermaids jumped back and quickly swam away.

I sighed and swam back to the surface of the water. Tink spat out the water in her mouth and clung to me for dear life.

"Did you hear my voice?" I asked.

Tink nodded. "Take us to my lake house. I have something to show you" I nodded and prepared to dive back in

"NO!" Tink yelled "just swim above the water" I chuckled but listened.


" hey Tink what's in this drink?" I asked shaking the dark liquid around.

"Oh I believe it's called cola. It's pretty good" she said climbing up her bookshelf.

"Where'd you get it?" I asked taking a sip. It's good.

"Um I believe I stole it from the pirates a couple days back" she said sticking her head in the shelf "aha!" She suddenly yelled pulling out a dusty old book.

"What's that?" I questioned when she put it on the table.

She smirked at me "a book of prophecies that I stole from the Indians a while back"

"Is there anything in this house that you haven't stolen ?" I asked raising one eyebrow.

"Well no not really just the berrys" she shrugged.

"It's technically stealing from the bush or kidnapping the bushes children and eating them" I exclaimed, my eyes widening for effect.

She rolled her eyes "ok! I steal everything! Let's get onto this book" she said and opened it. A load of dust flew round the place. Oh great

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