Chapter 13

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"Okay guy today me and Felix have to go somewhere so I want all of you to stay in the house" Peter said walking into the kitchen. He grabbed an apple and left.

As soon as he left me and the lost boys groaned.

"Great" twin two moaned

"Back to the cube of colours I go" nibs said walking off.

"Hey curly will you play hide and seek with me?" Tootles asked in the sweetest voice possible.

Curly smiled and ruffled tootles hair "sure little dude" Tootles squealed and ran off while pulling curly with him.

Slightly, the twins, the gladers and I all silently looked round at each other.

"Soo" twin one said trying to break up the awkward silence.

"Let's get drunk" I said then shrugged

"What?" Newt questioned "it's the morning"

"That's how we roll in neverland. Alcohol in the morning and Sundays at night" slightly said folding his arms in a 'I'm cool' way. "And it'll give me an excuse to have some moonshine" he smiled at Gally

"No" Gally growled glaring at slightly.

I sighed and shook my head. He turned to glare at me. "Then your no use to us. Shoo" I replied flicking him off.

His glare got even deadlier. He opened his mouth to say something but someone beat him to it "Gally just go. No one here wants to be round you" Thomas replied.

Gally slightly growled and stomped away. Just before he left the room he said "you will never know how to make my moonshine slightly"

"Well he'll never know from you. Good thing I know how to make them" I said smirking at him

"And how would you know?" He said raising his pointy eyebrow.

"I caught you making it once. Then you threw it in my face you jerk" I said.

"Well I'll be leaving" he said and left.

"So alcohol?" Alby asked

"Alcohol" me and slightly said at the same time while nodding.

"I'm going to play hide and seek with the other two" chuck said walking away.

"Lets get drunk!" Slightly shouted we all cheered.


"Hey guys look at me!" Thomas shouted dancing on the table. "I can fly" he said and leapt off the table, face planting the floor.

We all burst out laughing at him. "Nice one shank!" Minho yelled holding his stomach.

"But I can fly. I mean we all flew here" Thomas moaned.

"Well we were all taken by that black thing" newt exaggerated.

I giggled making newt smile at me. "That black thing was peters shadow!" I shouted and burst out laughing.

"That's what it was!" Minho shouted pointing at me.

Slightly burst out laughing for no reason. The twin gave him a weird look.

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