Chapter 14

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What is that god awful smell. I swear this is the last time that I'm ever getting drunk.

I opened my eyes to stare at unfamiliar ceiling. I swear if slightly messed with me whilst I was drunk again then he'll wish he was never born.

I pushed myself up on the hard bed and glanced round. Are you freakin' kidding me! I'm in a stupid jail cell. 

I went to stand up but a headache hit me like a ton of bricks. I groaned and placed my hand on my head.

"Did you have a nice sleep?" A voice said. Then Hook walked up to the bars. I guess slightly is in the clear. For now

"So I guess it was your doing of kidnapping a drunk teenage girl" I replied grabbed the bars and cocking my head to the left.

He did a mock bow " guilty as ever m'lady " he then titled his head up to smirk at me.

"Do not call me m'lady" I said through gritted teeth.

"Of course. Your not a lady, Your a girl" I sent a glare his way "but not any type of girl. Your a lost girl"

"Is your reason of kidnapping me to explain to me what I am? If so what's the point? I already know I'm a lost girl. I mean the people outside the lost boy clan call me the lost girl" I asked turning my head to the right.

Hook chuckled. "How's the hangover?" He asked changing the topic.

"Ahh so you don't want to answer the reason why you kidnapped me. Alright. Back to your question, the hangover is giving me the worst headache and do you want to what is also making it worse?" I asked, my face coming closer to the bars.

Hook also leaned closer. We were so close that if we leaned in anymore we would be kissing. "And what is that lost girl?"

"Looking at your face one more second" I replied. I stepped back and sat back on the bed while keeping my gaze on hook. His face was bright red with anger, his jaw clenched and his knuckles turning white from holding the bars too tight. "I mean I feel like my head might explode From the thing you call an outfit" I smirked at him.

He chuckled "oh miss rose this just makes everything more fun for me now. You might want to get on my good side. I might make killing you less painful"

My face dropped and I could feel my blood drain.

"Not acting like a brat now are ya" he replied and walked to the stairs but turned back to look at me "have a good day lost girl. I can grantee you that you don't have many left" then he left.

I'm never drinking again!


"109 bottles of milk on the wall. 109 bottles of milk. Take one down, pass it around. 108 bottles of milk on the wall" I screamed at the top of my lungs

"108 bottles of milk on the wall. 108 bottles of-"

"Shut up!" The pirate guarding me yelled.

"Oh so now you talk!" I snapped back standing up and marching over to the bars.

The pirate made a growling noise and glared at me. Who the hell growls.

I smirked at the plan that formed in my head. The pirate gave me a confused look. "That growl you made was really sexy" I said giving him my best turned on face.

He smiled at me, showing me his yellow rotting teeth and gummy spots. I mentally cringed. Come on rose take one for the team! I prep talked to myself mentally.

"You don't know all the bad things I want to do to you" I said with a pout on my face. I then gave him the come closer finger movement. He gladly walked over. I pulled him closer to me. I had a sudden urge to vomit from the putrid smell radiating off him. But I held it down. I then brought my lips to his ear "very bad and sexy things" I whispered

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