Chapter 22

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"First I was afraid" I snapped my head to the side "I was petrified"

I rolled my head "kept thinking how I'm gonna live without you by my side"

I then stood up "then I spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrong and I grew strong. And I learned how to get along"

"And now your back" I pointed to hook who had an annoyed look on his face

"From out of space" I waved my hands in the air.

"For a siren you really can't sing" he said before taking a swig of his rum.

"and you are a stereotypical pirate so shut up" I snapped back. "Why are you here anyway?"

"Well last time I left you in this cell you knocked out one of my crew by seducing him then ran off with Tink. So forgive me for taking precautions"

I groaned and flopped down on the rock hard bed. "How long until you kill me?"

He glanced at his watch. " four hours. But we are sailing to the ruins of daea Maris Mare right now"

I blew a strand of hair out of my face " so Hook do you have some one special in your life?"

"Why are asking me about my love life four hours before I kill you?"

I shrugged "just starting up a conversation" I looked over at him "is it smee?"

"What?" He asked startled.

"You and smee are you, you know" i said wriggling my eyebrows

"Miss Rose how rude" he snapped and took another drink "I have standards"

"So do I" I replied

"And what standards do you have?"

I sat up "well for starters they have to have a nice accent"

"Ahh so your with that boy from the kitchen or is it Peter"

"It's complicated" I muttered.

"Ohh a love triangle. How lovely. Too bad we won't be able to see the results"

"Hey Hook do I get a last meal?" I asked changing the subject. "I mean I already ate before I got here. But that was like one grape and then I chased someone so I'm out of energy"

"Nibs?" He asked

"Shockingly no" I replied. "Some new dude who was creeping on me"

"Well whatever. We have some leftover fire hen" he offered.

"Ohh I could really eat some spicy chicken right now" I replied


"Captain!" Smee yelled running into the room.

"Smee! How nice to see you again buddy" I said smiling at him.

He rolled his eyes at me "captain we are ten minutes from land"

"Perfect timing. We got twenty minutes till the eclipse" hook replied standing up

"Hello darkness my old friend" I sung to myself

"Rose shut up!" Hook shouted

"Well I wanted to sing my funeral song"

"Whatever Rose come on" he said and unlocked the cell.

I gave him a glare and quickly walked out of the cell. "I just wanted to say that I won't miss you Hook"

"The feeling is neutral malady"

I gave him a smile "good shank"


Here we stood in the middle of a giant rock. Well they stood. I was chained to a wooden board on the floor.

"Eclipse starts in five minutes!" Hook shouted. All his minions cheered. "To us! We finally have a way to destroy Peter Pan and his lost boys. After tonight we will have Ursula back and we will be unstoppable!"

That were all cheering so loud I'm surprised I'm not deaf.

"Three minutes captain!" Smee hollered.

I'm sorry I broke your favourite mug and blamed it on a fox slightly! I mentally yelled

I'm also sorry that I ate the last of tootles cookies and blamed slightly. Damn I'm evil!

"One minute till the full eclipse!" Hook yelled as it got darker. I looked up at the sky to see that the moon had started covering the sun. Oh no an eclipse!

"It's time!" Hook yelled and raised a dagger in the air.

They cheered again and started to chant 'hook'. He bowed to them and started to walk over to me.

He gently dragged it over my cheeks. I shivered at the coldness.

"Sorry about this love" he whispered in my ear then looked into my eyes.

"Go to hell" I growled out.

"Gladly" he said with a deadly smirk. he then raised the dagger.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

I was waiting for the light to come out and take me away from this cruel world. But it never came.

I then opened my eyes again. Hook stood right in front of me looking at his now empty hand. "What the hell" he muttered.

"It seemed like we've arrived just on time" Peter said while walking out from behind the rock. He smirked at hook "it's rude to kill innocent people you know"

"Peter Pan just in time to see me raise Ursula from the dead" hook replied while pulling out another dagger. He raised it up ready to stab me when an arrow flew through his hand. He screamed in pain and dropped the dagger.

The dagger landed right in one of my arms. I screamed in pain.

And that's when hell broke lose.

gladers in neverlandDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora