Chapter 23

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Arrows flew over my head and the sound of swords hitting each other rang through my ears. But also the sound of my beating heart.

I had stopped screaming but I was bawling my eyes out. I kept my blurry vision on my bloody arm. It hurt like hell. I watch as the blood trickled down my hand and formed a pool of blood on the wooden board which eventually dripped onto the floor.

"Oh my god" slightly gasped out when he saw me. "Rose stay with me" he said while untying me. As soon as the restraints were off I flung my self into his arms. He gladly hugged me back. "Okay Rose we have to go" he said while pulling me up.

I wobbled on my feet for a couple of seconds but quickly regained my balance.

Then I was being dragged through the sidelines of the battlefield. I tried to keep up with slightly as fast as I could. Normally I was faster but at the moment he was extremely fast.

"Come on rose keep up!" He shouted behind him. I just groaned as a response.

"Ahh!" someone shouted. I looked over to see that Tink had just stabbed a guy in his eye. Ohh brutal!

In fact it looked like the lost boys were winning anyway.

Minho and Thomas were back to back fighting against the pirates that came near them.

Tootles was on chucks shoulders. Both were armed with daggers and were stabbing at anything that came near.

Alby was on a high rock with Gally both shooting arrows round the place.

Nibs and curly were jumping on pirates backs and knocking them to the ground.

The twins were doing the same thing as Thomas and Minho but with crossbows.

Felix had his favourite club and was bashing any pirates who came near him.

Rufio was doing this super cool acrobatic fighting thing and swinging his sword round like mental.

Newt was dodging through the pirates and occasionally fighting them. He was running round to us.

And then there was Peter who was having a one to one battle with hook.

"Rose!" Slightly shouted grabbing my attention.

I quickly turned back to him and carried on running.

"Going somewhere?" A voice said behind us.

Both me and slightly froze and turned to the voice. Smee stood there, gun in hand.

"It's going to be okay" slightly whispered in my ear. Without warning Smee directed his gun at me and pulled the trigger.

As soon as the bang was heard I closed my eyes and waited for the impact.
Then there was a groan Heard. I opened my eyes to see slightly standing in front of me with blood pouring out his chest.

"Slightly!" I screamed when he fell into my chest. I quickly pulled us onto the floor.

"Slightly stay with me!" I pleaded while tapping his cheek.

He looked up at me and smiled. "Rose, don't'll get me crying" he said trying to add a bit of comedy into the situation.

I gave a stifled laugh but the tears still ran down my cheeks. "Why'd you take the bullet slightly?" I asked

He brought his shaky hand up wiped my tears away. "Because I made a promise to you two weeks after you arrived at neverland. I promised to always protect you. Even if that meant taking a bullet for you"

I shook my head "that was ages ago"

He gave a small sigh "but it was still a promise. I love you rose"
He then became still. He eyes stayed on mine.

"Slightly" I shook him gently.

"Slightly!" I shouted shaking him again. Still no response. With that I burst into a new fit of tear. My head found its way to his chest. My grip on his shirt loosened.

Why slightly why?!

I then heard another click of the gun. I looked up to see Smee still holding the gun at me.

"Rose!" A voice screamed. It was so loud that the ground shook. Next thing I know a load of steam appeared. All the fighting had stopped.

Suddenly there was a huge roar. Then the smoke cleared. There in front of us stood a huge fire breathing dragon.

It's firery eyes were glazed on Smee. Without warning the dragon blew fire directly at Smee.

I could hear his screams of pain and smell his burning flesh. But I did not feel sympathy for him. I felt satisfaction to see him burn to death.

"It the draconem kill it!" Hook yelled.

Then the fighting was back. But the draconem was having none of it. He blew fire at every pirate in sight. All of them screaming in agony.

Soon only hook remained. The draconem then turned to hook and growled.

He looked over at Peter then back to hook. Getting the idea, Peter started walking over to hook with his dagger held tightly in his fist.

"Mercy!" Hook pleaded.

Peters tightened his jaw. "There is no mercy for you" he then stabbed hook in the heart.

I watch him struggle, fall to the ground and die. And it was the best feeling in the world.

When hook took his last breath that's when smoke surrounded the draconem. Then when the smoke disappeared newt replaced it.

"Woah! How come you never told me you could turn into a frickin dragon" thomas said while pointing an accusing hand at him.

"Tommy not now" newt replied. Then he started to run to us while avoiding the burnt bodies. When he got a proper look at us his face paled. "Is he?"

I quickly nodded while tears fell down my face. All of the lost boys then ran over.

"Oh my!" Tink gasped out when she saw slightly. Then she hid her face in Minhos chest. Who tried comforting her while we all cried.

There wasn't a dry eye in sight. Not even Gally.

Peter than walked over to me and sat down. He then brought his hand up to slightlys face and closed his eye lids.

Then he turned to me. As soon as I saw his green eyes I dived into his chest, crying all over again.

But it was all over now. We were free.

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