Chapter 24

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A/N: ^BACK AT IT AGAIN with the terrible Camren drawings haha

As Lauren walked down the stairs at a painfully slow pace, in fear of what was about to go down, her two best friends came into few. It took a few seconds for them to register her presence and once they did their demeanors changed and the atmosphere became tense. Ally was looking at Lauren with soft eyes while Dinah had a bit of a cold stare. "I uh, I would like to talk to you guys." Lauren almost squeaked out. "Here we are, might as well sit down, you have a lot of explaining to do." Dinah said and Lauren shuffled over to the coach opposite of Dinah and Ally. She looked at the ground for a while, picking out just what she wanted to say, swallowing hard and letting out a sigh Lauren finally looked up at her friends who were watching her expectantly. "All my life i've tried to convince myself, and pressure myself into being normal. Never doing anything or wearing anything that would raise speculation. I grew up in fear of complete rejection for the rest of my life, and that no one would understand or love me if i was myself. If they knew i was gay..." Lauren started already feeling herself get emotional. "And I know i should have told you earlier, I wish I did, I was just me i was so scared, i'm sorry Dinah, and I'm sorry Ally." Lauren apologized. Ally and Dinah looked at each other briefly before pulling Lauren into a warm embrace. "It's okay Lo, we're always going to be here for you." Ally said and Dinah nodded. "Look Lauren, of course we accept you and we're happy you found yourself, but we still need to talk about Ms.Cabello." Dinah brought up the real conversation Lauren was dreading.

"Dinah I-" Lauren started but got cut off. "Lauren do you have any idea what you are getting yourself into? You could get her in some serious trouble." Dina spoke honestly. "I know Dinah, you think we don't know that? But as for right now, she's just a substitute, and I'm 18 ok, i'm an adult, and we only have a few months til graduation. And I love her." Lauren defended. "Well for what it's worth, we'll support you. We just want you to be happy." Dinah replied and Lauren let out a relieved breathe. "'re okay with me and camz?" Lauren asked. "Yes. Now if you could properly introduce us that'd be great." Ally said with a smile. "Yeah....we have some questions for her." Dinah said seriously. "Dinah please" Lauren lowkey begged for her not to interrogate Camila. "What? I have to know her intentions!" Dinah defended and Lauren playfully pushed her as she made her way up the stairs towards her bedroom where Camila was sat biting her lip nervously.

She stood up abruptly, worry evident on her face as Lauren walked towards her before stopping to look at her. Lauren silently offered her hand which Camila gladly took to stand up and hold softly. She searched Lauren's eyes, longing to understand what the girl was feeling and thinking at the moment. She felt Lauren's hands escape hers and instead make their way to her face to slightly hold her close, her emerald eyes analyzing Camila's brown one's. "I love you Camila Cabello.." Lauren whispered and Camila gave her a small endeared smile. "I'm so in love with you Lauren...words cannot express that to it's full meaning." Camila whispered back and Lauren just stared at her for a while, Camila was wondering what she possibly could be thinking. "You're the most beautiful girl i've ever laid eyes on...did you know that?" Lauren spoke softly, eyes full of admiration. "Have you seen yourself? I'm nothing compared to you.." Camila answered modestly and Lauren shook her head. " are everything." Lauren whispered honestly, before kissing her lips for a few short seconds and all too fast she had to separate them. "Come on.." Lauren said, taking Camila's hand in her own before guiding her out of the room and down the stairs where her friends were.

Normani smiled when she saw Lauren and Camila holding hands, the sight making her heart melt, her ship has definitely sailed and she was a proud captain. Ally watched them with a warm smile as they sat on the couch and Dinah stared them down, her poker face in tact. Camila smiled nervously at the girls who were watching her expectantly. Dinah leaned in with a small glare at Camila, she seriously looked like an overprotective father right now it was semi amusing Lauren except the fact that it was scaring the shit out of Camila, Lauren felt the older women's palm sweat while holding her own. "What are your intentions with my Lauren, Cabello?" Dinah asked seriously, and as Camila went to answer Dinah cut her off. "And are these feelings real, because I promise you, if you ever hurt Lauren..I will not hesitate to ruin your life." Dinah threatened and glared when she got smacked harshly on the head by Ally. "What she means is that we just want to make sure your feelings are genuine and that you'll really be the best for Lauren." Ally explained sending Camila a small smile before turning to Dinah and returning her glare.

"I know this obviously must have come as a shocker to you guys and the situation is obviously not ideal, and this may have made you dislike me but...look I want you guys to know that I really do care about Lauren, this amazing girl right here..." Camila said looking tenderly at Lauren who was to her right sporting a heavy blush. "..all I want is to make her happy, the same way she makes me, because with just a smile from her, believe me...i'm happy. I'm not usually a big believer of 'destiny' but then I look at her and I know the universe wanted me to meet her, the universe knew we are perfect for each other, because with her I feel safety, I feel strong and able to do anything, because when I'm with her...i'm home." Camila concluded and all three best friends let out loud awe's, ally was crying, while Normani was hardcore fangirling in the corner. "I guess...there is no one better for her than you." Dinah said, to which Camila and Lauren looked at each other and smiled, ally nodded her head approvingly and Normani fist pumped while jumping in the air. "GOOD! BECAUSE HOLY HELL DINAH THIS SHIP WILL BE THE END OF ME." Normani screamed excitedly and Camila as well as Lauren and Ally threw their heads back laughing as Lauren threw her arm around Camila, who snuggled into Lauren.

"Hm..they are pretty adorable...Hey psycho, you got a ship name for them yet?" Dinah asked Normani. "Huh, I guess I don't" Normani replied. "What kind of captain are you...move aside and make way for Captain Hansen!!" Dinah said actually shoving Normani out of the way for effect. "Alright, I got this. But first, what's your name?" Dinah asked, having suddenly forgotten it. "Camila. Although my real first name is actually Karla, but I hate it so I go by my middle name." Camila explained briefly and Lauren looked at her with her brows furrowed. "Wait..your name is Karla?" She questioned. "Yeah, did I not tell you that ever??" Camila asked confused, certain she did or at least she thought she did, but Lauren shook her head. "EASY, LAURMILA!!" Normani screamed and Dinah scuffed. "Girl no! Like get out, it's...Camren yo." Dinah said with a proud smirk. "Camren?" Normani questioned. "Camren." Dinah replied. "Hm...I don't hate it." Camila spoke up. "Yeah...sounds like it would catch on." Ally added. "Oh please, who would ever call US Camren?" Lauren said. "I would." Normani said with a shrug. "Me too." Ally said. "Me three." Dinah smirked. "Me four." Camila joined in with a giggle and Lauren just shook her head. "Camren it is i guess." Lauren said with a chuckle before pulling Camila in closer and kissing her head softly as Normani once again put pretty little liars on. Lauren swears the girl is too obsessed, she could literally quote every line from the first episode. (This is me btw, you do not want to watch PLL with me, I know every word) Every now and then Camila would look up at Lauren or Lauren would look down at Camila and they would just smile at each other, with their hands gently intertwined, and Lauren would try and sneak some kisses, which she always got caught and had to deal with Dinah and Normani's annoying smirks.


Helloooo, i'm trying this thing called updating at least once a day..wish me luck haha.

Quick question: Do you guys want to see more Shawn in this story?? His character is quite comical idk let me knowww :) Vote & Comment ! - CN

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