Chapter 23

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Once Camila was all clean and cosy she double checked her hair before making her way out of the bathroom and into Lauren's room patiently waiting for the girl to be done. Thinking back on it she probably should have let her girlfriend know she was here, then she would have probably avoided a naked Lauren's scream when she opened the door thinking she was alone but there was Camila on the bed with a slight impressed look that was mostly masked with adoration for a split second, regardless Camila covered her eyes quickly apologizing as Lauren scrambled to get a towel and wrap it around herself. At first she was terrified because of her insecurities but the look on Camila's face made her subconsciously smile. Camila looked up at her as if she was the most beautiful women she'd ever laid eyes on. It made Lauren feel warm inside and gave her a slight confidence, she knew Camila probably felt terrible, and as much as she wanted to reassure her that it was fine, she thought she'd tease her for a bit, so with the famous Jauregui smirk in tact, Lauren strolled out of the bathroom. Her eyes dazzling as they connected with Camila's as she made her way to her closet. "So, it seems like you were enjoying the view." Lauren said smirk still in tact as she gave her back to the embarrassed cuban and Camila wanted to die right then and there, wishing the heavy blush that formed on her face to go away. "You know, I could use your help picking out what to wear.." Lauren started. "..but I don't think you'll be able to help, obviously you'd prefer no clothes on." Lauren joked and Camila's cheeks just kept getting redder, she felt as if every ounce of blood in her body had just all flooded her cheeks, she wondered if she could die from that.

"I-I-I uh I should've, I-" Camila stuttered as Lauren walked slowly towards her, some may say even seductively. "Do you wanna see it again?" Lauren whispered in Camila's ear, and Camila gulped heavily, her mouth suddenly very dry but other places very wet. "Y-yes." She managed to get out, what she wasn't expecting was for Lauren to sit on her lap, a naked Lauren was on her lap! Camila is literally a second away from passing out. Because she could feel Lauren on her thigh and she was living for every second of it. Lauren softly nibbled on Camila's ear, while Camila closed her eyes, savoring the moment before Lauren's mouth attached to her neck, sucking gently but then harshly after a few seconds and Camila let out an unintentionally loud moan. The sound immediately encouraged Lauren who pinned Camila down on the bed and straddled her waist before once again attacking her neck and rolling her hips on Camila who's hands made their way under Lauren's towel and clutched the green eyed girls thighs roughly pushing her forwards even more. Lauren connected their lips in a hungry kiss, Camila bit down on Lauren's lower lip and she let out a small moan. "Mmm babe, too much clothes." Lauren panted, her hands already making their way to the bottom of Camila's shirt and quickly taking it off revealing Camila's black lace Victoria Secret bra and toned stomach. Just as Lauren was about to unbutton Camila's jeans there was a loud knock at the door, that scared both of the Cubans shitless, Lauren accidentally elbowed Camila in the face, and Camila being the clumsy dork she is went to complain not realizing she was at the edge of the bed rolled slightly to the right and ended up on the floor with a loud thud. Lauren composed herself quickly before opening to reveal a worried Normani.

"Mani?" Lauren questioned. "Sorry to...interrupt but I need to speak with both of you." Normani said in a hushed tone. "Actually Camila isn't in my room mani." Lauren lied. "Oh really, then who's the girl crawling on your floor trying to hide but failing miserably?" Normani deadpanned while pointing at a struggling Camila. "Camz, get up." Lauren laughed and signaled Normani to enter. "Mani wants to talk to us." Lauren informed Camila. "What about?" Camila asked suddenly becoming serious at Normani's  hesitant expression. "Dinah and Ally know." Normani said. "Wha-how?" Camila questioned shocked with wide eyes while Lauren just froze. "They saw you kissing outside." Normani said. "How the hell could you let it happen mani?!" Lauren said slightly angry. "Your back door is made out of fucking glass you retard, you should have been more careful knowing we were only 10 feet away." Normani raised her voice. "She's right Lauren." Camila agreed sadly. "We've been talking for a while now, I think it's time you go downstairs and clear things up." Normani said.

"How? How can I face them?" Lauren whispered. "Lauren...they're your best friends, i know for a fact they'll always be there for you. Go, be honest. I think they'll be understanding." Camila advised. "Yeah, do what she tells you, I mean I'm still here aren't I?" Normani reasoned and Lauren nodded slowly. "But Dinah is like the opposite of you, and I love Ally but I do not feel in the mood to dodge bibles being thrown at me. "Just go." Normani said, slightly tugging the girl's arm to stand her up. "Let me get dressed first." Lauren said quickly throwing on joggers and a sweatshirt. "Would it make you feel better if I was there?" Camila whispers while intertwining their hands and rubbing circles on Lauren's hand soothingly. "You'll be right behind me?" Lauren asked. "Always." Camila replied easily and they made their way down the stairs, not sure of what was going to happen next or what the future  held from here...

Quick update! Alright guys what would you like to see in the next chapter: Drama or cute fluff?? Let me know. Vote & Comment. PEACE. -CN

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