Chapter 22

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So far every single one of Camila's teams had out beat Dinah's and to say the polynesian was upset was an understatement, her competitive nature getting the best of her. Dinah panted and struggled to catch her breath as Camila's team got yet another victory, never once in her life had Dinah lost at football but damn Ms.Cabello brought it, Dinah never would have guessed that she was this fit, her back still hurt from the first tackle. "Lets goooo! We won, AGAIN!" Camila celebrated her touchdown by taking of her helmet and doing a victory dance. Lauren laughed and high-fived her girlfriend, as well as looking at Dinah and sticking her tongue out playfully. "Take the L Hansen." Lauren said playfully. "Take the L? Okay." Dinah said running and picking up Lauren, who let out a scared squeal. "Dinah what are you doing?!" Lauren complained. "Taking the loser, duh." Dinah said faking seriousness as her 2 best friends dropped to the floor laughing and Ms.Cabello laughed shaking her head at the girls' shenanigans. "Well if we look at the scoreboard I believe the loser was you.." Lauren said with a smirk. "Don't push it Lauser." Dinah said dropping the girl who fell with a thud. "The hell?" Lauren whined and Dinah smirked. "You asked for it." The Polynesian said with a shrug before rejoining the other 3 ladies. "Well we are sweaty as fuck, showers anyone?" Dinah said and Ally and Normani nodded their heads. "I guess I should go so I can shower back home.." Camila started but was instantly cut off by a bunch nooo's. "Don't be ridiculous, I have 4 bathrooms, Dinah and Normani can just share." Lauren said placing her hand on Camila's shoulder. "I just dont want to keep taking your clothes, especially since i made this one stinky." Camila said cutely and Lauren sighed admiringly at how caring the older Cuban was. "Well I think we all are, it's fine." Lauren waved her off and Camila nodded. "Well let's get started!" Normani hollered and tugged on Dinah's arm and just like that the two were off, with Ally following suit. "Wait, don't they need clothes?" Camila asked. "Nah, we've been best friends for so long, i have a cabinet with their clothes in it, they can shower at my house and still have nice outfits." Lauren explained.

"I wish I had that." Camila sighed. "What do you mean?" Lauren asked genuinely confused and Camila shrugged. "Everything changed when I came out, i had thought things were going to be okay, and nothing would change, and no one would leave, and I could finally be me. But i was wrong." Camila said, sniffling as unshed tears were shining in the sunlight. Lauren took her hand I guided her towards the maroon hammock in her backyard. "What happened baby?" Lauren asked in a soft voice, trying to hopefully soothe Camila and provide some sort of comfort for her obviously struggling girlfriend. "I had an amazing group of friends i thought were always going to be there, my best friend Taylor had promised me we were forever, but i guess forever isn't as long as people make it seem. As soon as she found out she got everyone to turn their backs on me. I was a disgrace to the whole school." Camila chuckled bitterly as a few tears made their way down her face and Lauren gently wiped them away, tears threatening to spill from her own eyes at seeing the cuban girl in pain. "Not even my family's disapproval hurt that much. They also didn't want anything to do with me afterwards, and separated me from my baby sister. That was what hurt the most." Camila said in a sad hushed whisper. "What's her name?" Lauren asked and she saw a small smile make it's way onto Camila's face despite the tears. "Sofia, but I called her sofi, or butterfly queen 1." Camila said with a giggle that Lauren joined in to.

"How old is she?" Lauren asked. "When I was kicked out I was 15 and she was about 7 and now she has to be...15." Camila said. "God I can't believe I missed her growing up." Camila said regretfully. "I am the worst sister ever." Camila continued. Lauren took ahold of Camila's hand and turned the tan cuban's face towards her own, making sure Camila's eyes were locked firmly with hers. "No you are not. Your separation from her was not your fault. It was all due to your parent's intolerance and ignorant minds, with all due respect." Lauren said firmly. "You were just being you Camila." Lauren said with a sigh.

"Even now at 23, sometimes....I feel just like that 15 year old girl again, the insecure one who had no clue what life had in store and was too scared to stand up for herself and had a fear of forever being unloved. I feel like her Lauren, right now....I feel like her again, and I don't want to." Camila said with a small sob, that if Lauren wasn't paying close attention she would have missed. The green eyed girl wrapped her arms around Camila and brought the girl into a tight, warm and secure embrace. Their heart beats were pounding against each other, but neither dared to move, finding immense comfort in one another until what it felt like ages Lauren pulled back. "And if you ever feel unloved, know it's not true. Because I, Lauren Michelle Jauregui, am completely and utterly in love with you, Camila Cabello." Lauren said staring deeply into Camila's sparkling eyes, except this time they weren't sparkling because of unshed tears, but because of the hope she saw in them, the hope and love that oozed out of the doe eyes. "I always questioned the universe why it gave me something as amazing as you." Camila whispered as her fingers traced Lauren's lips delicately as if she wanted to remember every single detail they contained. Meanwhile Lauren's heart was threatening to beat out of her chest. "Then it occurred to knows what it's doing, and life took away a lot of things from me, life shamed me, life beat me down, yet I overcame it, and overtime life gave me something better, it gave me Shawn. It gave me a better future, a second chance at happiness, life took me through the greatest path I could have taken, you know why?" Camila asked with a hint of a smile that made Lauren's widen. "Because that path led me to you. You make it all worth it. I have nothing to regret or change if i could, it was all worth it for you." Camila confessed as Lauren kissed her, not being able to hold it in much longer. It was but a mere soft dance of love being executed simply between their lips. Both girls falling harder with every passing second before Camila pulled back. "Thank you for trusting me ." Lauren said. "I forgot to tell you, I lo-" Camila was cut off by the back door opening and immediately both girls created as much space between them as they both stared at their phone pretending to mindlessly scroll through it.

"YO, why are you two not showered yet?!" Dinah yelled. "I still don't have any other clothes." Camila lied quickly. "Would it make you feel better if you borrowed my clothes?" Dinah asked and Camila shrugged. "Alright then, let's go Ms.C! We still have some board games as well as 3 movies to get to tonight!" Dinah yelled as she dragged Camila inside and Lauren watched with an amused expression and she sent a quick wink to Camila who's face almost smashed into the door at Dinah's unsafe and unaware action of dragging her by the arm, as and if it would make her go any faster..Camila thought.

What did you guys think of this chapter?! Let me know, Vote & Comment babes.

ALSO, our queens slayed the PCA's. The first two lines already had me shook, and Lauren fucking Jauregui like I was bald afterwards. No joke, i'm deadass serious. Love you guyss. -CN

Snapchat: Coralizn

^^ in case you want to see the bald aftermath of 5h PCA's performance.

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