Chapter 17

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Camila's heart was pounding rapidly in her chest as she lead Lauren towards the beach behind the house. It was like her own private beach because no one noticed it behind all the trees. "Where are we going Camz?" Lauren asked giggling when Camila walked right into a branch. "My favorite place in the world, with my favorite girl in the world." Camila said making Lauren blush profusely. Camila smiled as she saw how close they were to reaching the beach so she stopped in her tracks and turned towards Lauren with a broad smile, causing the green eyed girl to beam back at her, not really knowing why Camila was smiling but just smiling at the fact that she looked happy. "Okay, we're almost here, and I want you to know that this is a special place to me. And i've never gotten to share it with anyone else, it's where I grew up, where I came to cry, write, and just think about life, it may not look that special but it means the world to me..." Lauren looked at her with all the love in the world that made Camila feel so loved as Lauren smiled tenderly at her. "And I'm glad you're the first to see it." Camila said before quickly grabbing Lauren's hand and pushing aside the last bush to reveal the beautiful ocean. The sand looked amazing to run barefoot in, the waves calmly crashing against them, the serenity was basically palpable. Lauren closed her eyes as the breeze gently hit her face. She reopened her eyes and turned her attention towards Camila who was currently doing what she herself was a moment ago. "You're everything I've ever wanted." Camila confessed with her eyes closed, and gently biting her lip waiting for Lauren's reaction. "And you're everything I didn't know I needed." Lauren whispered. They locked eyes for a brief moment before staring out at the sea again. "This is beautiful Camila, i love it" Lauren broke their comfortable silence. "And I love you." Camila said without realizing what she said. "W-what?" Lauren stuttered out, her heart beating faster with every passing second. "Hmm?........Oh." Camila said catching on to what she said and immediately her face became crimson red, she let out a deep breath before standing in front of Lauren, staring into her alluring eyes that were sparkling more than Camila had ever seen before, and took Lauren's hands in hers.

"I love you Lauren. Ever since I first saw you I thought you were amazing, getting to know you has been the greatest experience in my 23 years of life. You are this exquisite soul that needs to be preserved. You are worthy of all the love in the world, and I want to be the one to give it to you. I want to be the reason you smile in the morning,  and laugh through the day, as well as make the memories we're going to remember all our lives. And I want this to be one of them." Camila said, reaching into her pocket and revealed a black box. "I got you this." Camila started shyly, scooting impossibly close to Lauren, "I've always believed in the Sun and the Moon. Most of my life I wondered if I would ever have someone so special in my life that I would die for in the same way the sun dies for the moon, and now I know what it's like Lauren, you're my moon." Camila said, putting the necklace she bought for Lauren around her neck. Lauren looked down at the necklace, it had a sun and moon charm as well as a token that read : Live by the Sun, Love by the Moon.

"Camz.." Lauren breathed out. "I don't even know where to start. I-I...I love you too." Camila smiled before cutting her off softly "....I wasn't finished silly.." Camila giggled playfully and Lauren laughed, "okay, continue baby" Camila almost died at the baby but she continued regardless. "We obviously have more to learn about each other but then again we always have so much to learn even when we think we know everything, the only thing that I do know for sure is that I love you, and that I can't be just friends with you Lauren." Camila said quickly breaking their intense stare to look down at Lauren's lips and reconnecting their eyes. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Camila whispered in their close proximity and quickly became worried when she saw tears streaming down Lauren's face. "What's wrong?" Camila asked cupping Lauren's face softly. "I am so in love with you. Of course I'll be your girlfriend." Lauren replied shakily,  feeling so overemotional for some reason. "No one has ever cared this much." Lauren whispered. "Well I will. I'll make sure to treat you like the princess you are." Camila said connecting their lips in a slow kiss filled with affection. They parted with huge grins. "Alright," Camila sighed softly swinging their arms side to side. "I think I should take you home now." Camila said. "Okay, Thank you for the best date i've ever had." Lauren said honestly. "It'll only go up from here babe." Camila replied, leading them back to the house.

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