Chapter 2

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As the sun started to rise while Lauren got to school, she already felt exhausted. She wished her senior year would pass by even quicker than the last 3, because she was done with high school the day it started. Her first 3 periods passed by fairly quickly, to which she was thankful. Although her American Government homework was one thing she'll gladly skip tonight. As Lauren walked in to her 4th Period she quickly sits down at her seat and patiently waits for Normani to come through the door. 

After the bell rang and no sign of Normani, she was left confused to say the least. Suddenly out of no where she feels someone jump on her laughing. Lauren let out a squeal, which quickly turned into a glare when she recognized Normani. "You scared the fuck out of me Mani, fuck you." Lauren said while fixing her hair. "Sorry that was too funny, oh my god, i got you so good. Yo ally did you get that?" Normani screamed across the room. "Yup, just added it to your story" Ally said while laughing at Lauren's change in demeanor.

 Well this day just turned worse, Lauren thought. "Alright girls, as funny as that was, i'm going to need you guys to settle down." Said the most beautiful woman Lauren had ever laid eyes on. Who is that?  Lauren thought. It couldn't be the sub is supposed to be that hot. But it couldn't be a student, if it was Lauren would have definitely noticed her before. 

"My name is Ms.Cabello. But you can call me Ms.C" Ms.Cabello introduced herself, looking at every student in the classroom and then her eyes landing on Lauren. Yup, she's the sub, Lauren thought. Lauren felt so insecure under her gaze. Why does she keep looking at me while speaking?!, Lauren thought to herself. And why is it making me so nervous, get a grip Lauren! Lauren mentally yelled at herself for thinking too much about the substitute she quite literally  just saw for the first time. 

"Okay, so here Mr.Marshall said that you guys are working on posters? Is that correct?" Ms.Cabello said while looking around and seeing students nod their heads before continuing. "Alright well i'll let you guys work on those and i'll walk around and see how it's going, so begin." She said while walking towards her desk for the day. 

Lauren felt creepy for looking at her too much and for a little too long but she was so nice to look at. She pulled off the professional look whilst remaining adorable, and that skirt she was wearing was making Lauren feel some type of way. Lauren brainstormed ways to get her attention or start a conversation without her infatuation being obvious since she had often heard she is a person who wore her heart on her sleeve. "Yo Lauren you ok?" Normani asked while tapping her shoulder, snapping Lauren out of her trance, "Huh? Yea i'm fine, why?" Lauren asked confused. "Oh good, because you kinda zoned out. Anyways, what are you doing your poster on?" Normani asked just as Ms.Cabello approaches. 

"Uh, I have no idea." Lauren sighed while looking dejectedly at her empty photoshop folder. "Is everything going alright over here?" Ms.Cabello asked after slightly overhearing the conversation. "Yeah, but does this go well with a beach theme?" Normani asked her. "Yes, it looks pretty good." She replied then hesitantly looked towards Lauren. "What about you?" She asked rather softly, sensing Lauren's distress. "I have no idea what to do. What do you think?" Lauren replied, at least she could stare at her face without it being weird right now. "Hm, let me see your pictures." She replied. 

She shifted through the pictures taken of Lauren for the assignment before replying "well all of these look like you had something in mind...what was it?" Lauren tilted her head a little, "how could you tell?" Lauren asked because she in fact did have an idea but scrapped it in fear of it being too difficult to actually accomplish. Ms.Cabello faintly smiled causing Lauren's heart to start beating quicker before saying "They all kind of lead towards the same path, there is a sort of serious aura given by them. You didn't want to make it a happy thing obviously so, what were you hoping to get from them?" Ms.Cabello asked and Lauren thought for a bit. 

"Originally, i wanted to do a horror theme kind of." She settled on saying. "Makes sense, these are kind of perfect for that, but what do you think about a possible...American Horror Story kind of theme. Have you ever watched it?" Ms.Cabello said perking up a bit, her eyes swimming with excitement at possibly educating about her favorite show. "I've heard of it. Never really watched it though." Lauren told her. "Awesome, well it's a sort of creepy show, and i saw this barn in season 6 that would look great as the background for your poster. Of course you probably don't want to use that exact one but maybe just looking up creepy barns would do." She said nodding her head in approval. 

"You're an artist aren't you?" Ms.Cabello asked and Lauren raised an eyebrow. "Okay how are you reading me so well right now??" Lauren asked spinning her chair to face Ms.Cabello who had pulled up a chair next to hers. "The way you approached the assignment said it all for you. You look at the world through creative lens, much like I used to." Ms.Cabello replied and Lauren nodded. "Huh, I guess I never noticed I did that." and Ms.Cabello smiled at her for the second time. "It's in your nature, because you're a true artist. Do you have any work you can show me?" she asked and Lauren offered a shoulder shrug in response. "I don't usually show off my art" Lauren said as she shuffled through her backpack until her hand landed on her sketchbook and then extended it out to Ms.Cabello.

Ms.Cabello shifted through the pages with a smile before looking back up at Lauren, "These are great, you're as talented as I thought." she complimented. "I have a lot to learn but that means a lot coming from you. You're an artist as well aren't you?" Lauren asked and Ms.Cabello nodded. " is one of my strongest passions, besides teaching... ideally I will be doing both in the future." she said to Lauren in the softest voice. They held eye contact briefly before Ms.Cabello broke it by clearing her throat and standing up from the chair. "Anything else I can help you with....?" Ms.Cabello dragged out the question and Lauren shook her head in response.

"Thank you Ms.Cabello." Lauren said, feeling like a bunch of pressure was off her shoulders because now she had a theme for her project. "Well i should probably check on the other students." Ms.Cabello said reluctantly turning around and rushing to anyone who had their hands up. "Well that sub was way too nice to you." Normani said making her way next to Lauren. "What? No she wasn't. She just helped me pick a theme." Lauren said. "She spent all class talking to just you. Weird, because you're so boring." Normani joked. "Oh Ha Ha bitch." Lauren said while tossing her folder at Normani. "You love me tho" Normani says while making kissy faces at Lauren. "No." Lauren replied while packing her things. "Oh whatever. I have Ally." Normani says, also preparing for the bell to ring. 

"Ms.Jauregui." Lauren hears Ms.Cabello say. She walks slowly towards her wondering what she was being called for. "Yeah Ms.Cabello?" She asks. "So how did the theme go for you?" Ms.Cabello asked and Lauren relaxed at that. "It went very well. I found the best creepy barn." Lauren said while showing her the picture on her phone. "Nice job, that's a good one. I expect yours to be so good." Ms.Cabello said as the bell rang. "Thank you Ms.C. See you tomorrow." Lauren said while jogging to catch up to Normani, "Have a good day." She hears just before going out the door.

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