Chapter 6

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To say Lauren was disappointed when she saw Marshall's face the next day upon entering the classroom was an understatement. She sighed deeply while tossing her backpack on the floor. She felt childish because of her crossed arms but she just wanted to see Camila again and she wasn't sure when the next time would be. Was that too much to ask for? Lauren thought it wasn't. Regardless, she huffed while starting the assignment Marshall assigned for the day. She was too far into her pity party that she had no idea how closely Normani was examining her from across the classroom. Normani briefly wondered what it was that was plaguing her best friend at the couldn't have been something she did...or was it? She wouldn't know. The more she thought of it the more she realized Lauren's odd behavior recently and made it a point to talk with her about it later. 

After being dismissed from class Normani waited for Lauren at the door of the classroom and sent her a small smile as they walked in comfortable silence. "If you ever need anyone to talk to..i'm here." Normani said softly and Lauren raised an eyebrow at her. "Huh?" Lauren asked. "I just want you to know i'm here and you can come to me about anything." Normani reiterated and Lauren nodded. "Thank you mani..I gotta go." Lauren replied before taking off her own way.

The next few days dragged on for Lauren way more than she was willing to admit. It had been a week since she'd seen Camila and to say that it was taking a toll on her mood was an understatement. She lazily finished the final touches to her Deadpool drawing for her 6th period Drawing class. After a few minutes of contemplating  if it looked good or not, she accepted the fact that that was the best she could do or was willing to do. She was feeling extra hungry today so she decided to drive to Chipotle after school, heavily  craving a burrito at the moment. She arrived and ordered pretty quickly because this Chipotle was incredible organized in comparisons to the others around town. Lauren situated herself in a corner table after receiving her food, thankful to finally get her hands on a burrito after starving all day, but her happiness was soon destroyed when none other than Brad Simpson was walking towards her. 

He didn't hesitate to check her out, looking at her like a piece of meat he would gladly eat. His invasive eyes made Lauren beyond uncomfortable. He licked his lips before finally greeting her, "sup girl" he said. "Sup." Lauren settled on saying, she felt high discomfort around the boy even though he wasn't a bad person but she decided to push back the thought and be friendly since she didn't want people thinking she was a bitch. 

"So, Lauren, are you doing anything later today?" He asked with a slight smirk as he checked out Lauren's breasts for a second before looking back up to be met with a slight glare. Yea there was no way Lauren was going out with this guy. "Actually I am. I'm meeting my best friend here." Lauren lied easily. "Oh, what a shame. We could've had a blast together. If you're free whenever just let me know, i'm down for whatever. Oh and my offer still stands, do you wanna go out or?" Brad said bringing up the day he asked her out. "I still have to think about it, although I really don't want to be in a relationship right now." Lauren said trying to shut him down nicely. 

"Well we don't have to be a relationship, we can just be friends..who are more than friends but without the commitment you know. If that's what you're worried about." Brad said with his small smirk back in place. "Friends is a great option! I'd love to be just friends.Look! your friends are calling you BUDDY. You should go over to them BRO." Lauren emphasized the words while slightly pushing Brad towards his friends. "Oh ok, see you at school Lauren." Brad obliviously said making Lauren roll her eyes and let out a painful 'mhm' in response.

She went back to her table where a cold burrito now sat and she huffed in annoyance. She didn't think she'd see anyone from school here, this place was an hour away and there are about two different Chipotle locations before this one. Brad and his friend were probably skipping class that would explain them getting here before her. Speaking of seeing people from school there, there was another one she recognized, one she'd recognize anywhere, Ms.Cabello was sitting a few tables down staring right at her.

 Lauren tried to offer her a small smile but it probably looked like a grimace because of her current mood after the exchange with the idiot with the mop on his head. What she didn't expect was for Ms.Cabello to actually approach her. "Are you okay Lauren?" She asked. "Well hello to you too Camila." Lauren replied but immediately regretted being sarcastic. "I'm sorry, I just saw what happened and you looked really uncomfortable. I wish I could have stopped it but that would look weird so I just wanted to check up on you." Camila spoke quickly. "I understand, i'm just a student, you shouldn't feel obligated to check up on me." Lauren acknowledged. "You're not 'just a student' Lauren. I actually do care about what happens to you." Camila said and slightly blushed when she realized what she just admitted to Lauren, which Lauren found to be so adorable. "I'm sorry, what I said was rude. I'm fine though." Lauren apologized. 

"It's okay, I would be annoyed too." Camila said. "Mila are you ready to go now?" A voice belonging to a quite tall and muscular man broke their silence. "Huh?" Camila asked locking eyes with the attractive mystery man. "I asked if you were ready to go Mila" He laughed gently while placing his arm on her shoulder, causing all kinds of jealousy to spark within Lauren. If she could rip that arm off his body and beat him with it she would. "Oh, yeah. By the way Shawn, this is Lauren. Lauren, this is Shawn." Camila introduced the man as 'Shawn' what a fuckboy name, Lauren thought before reaching to shake his hand. "Nice to meet you, Lauren." Shawn said before tapping Camila on the arm lightly. "Hey Mila, maybe Lauren would like to join us at the golf course with the girls?" Shawn asked. 

"Oh no that's fine really, you two go ahead, I have a lot of work to get to." Lauren said ready to cry but skillfully hiding it. "You sure? We're going with a bunch of friends and you can keep Camila company. I'm not the best at that around large groups." Shawn pressed. "It's okay, really, I don't think that would be appropriate." Lauren said meeting Camila's eyes and seeing some sadness and disappointment etched in them but nevertheless Camila nodded. "Lauren, is one of the students from Marshalls class I was telling you about darling." Camila said and Shawn came to realization. "Ohh, so you are Lauren." Shawn said with a slight smile which confused Lauren but either way she needed to find a way out of this situation.

"I have to go, but it was nice seeing you Camila, and meeting your boyfriend Shawn." Lauren said before trying to shuffle out of the place without it seeming like she was running away, which caused her to miss the soft "no he's not my.." that was cut off by the door closing. Shawn laughed softly at Camila, "wow, i think your girl is jealous." Camila rolled her eyes, "Shut up Shawn, and she's not my girl. It's never going to happen." She huffed. "Whatever you say Mila." Shawn smiled knowingly before they made their way out of the restaurant and towards Shawn's car. As they sat down and began to make their way to the golf place Shawn looked over at Camila and spoke up about the situation that just occurred.

 "So Lauren. What's the deal there?" He asked. "I already told you, nothing. I like her but she's a student and it's wrong." Camila said looking out the window and replaying the look on Lauren's face when she thought Camila was with Shawn. "She's not your student Camila, she just happens to be a student at the school you decided you want to start your career with. She's a student who is about to not be a student there when she graduates in a few months." Shawn reasoned. "Plus, anyone with eyes can tell that she likes you too." He added. "How would you possibly know that." Camila scoffed. "We both saw the way she reacted when she saw us together. It's obvious she has feelings for you Mila." Shawn concluded. "I refuse to jeopardize my future before it's even really started. Whatever this is...i'm not going to let it get out of hand." Camila finished conclusively.

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