Chapter 10

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The weekend rolled around and Lauren's phone felt heavy in her hands. She wanted to text Camila more than anything to figure out what was even happening between them but the negative thoughts about the consequences that could come with her reaching out to Camila stopped her. She thought about the possibility of getting Camila in legal trouble is what was holding Camila back from Lauren and now that she came to that realization she wanted to find a way to comfort Camila about her worries. This was enough to motivate her to text Camila.

To: Camzzz

To: Camzzz
Wow that was lame. I'm sorry.

Lauren mentally slapped herself at how dumb she sounded. 'Hi' really? She could not believe that she sat. here contemplating her entire life for hours and 'Hi' was that the best she could do. She proceeded to continue psyching herself out for a good 5 minutes before her phone vibrated and Camila's name popped up on her screen.

From: Camzzz
Judging by the way you are already apologizing, this must be Lauren.

To: Camzzz
How did you know?

From: Camzzz
I guess I just know you too well.

Yea right. You know nothing grandma.

From: Camzzz
HEY, I am only 4 years older than you missy.

To: Camzzz
Same difference.

From: Camzzz
Not the same child.

To: Camzzz
Aw Please don't call me that!!!!!

To: Camzzz
I beg.

From: Camzzz
You call me grandma, I call you child.

To: Camzzz
Fine, I won't call you grandma

From: Camzzz

To: Camzzz
Yeah yeah you win this time.

From: Camzzz
Awe, don't get mad, cutie ;)

Lauren felt her entire face flush red while reading that text and a smile made its way onto her face. Was Camila flirting with her? If so she could die happily in this moment. Lauren couldn't take this, her heart was beating so fast just from talking to Camila. The affect that this woman has on her by doing the simplest of things drove her crazy.

To: Camzzz
I could never be mad at you.

From: Camzzz
Guess who i'm subbing for Monday?

To: Camzzz

From: Camzzz

To: Camzzz

From: Camzzz
Someone's excited to see me.

To: Camzzz
No, i'm just happy I don't have to do any work.

From: Camzzz
Fair enough

To: Camzzz
And maybe a teeny tiny excited to see you.

From: Camzzz
Well you know I love when people are a teeny tiny excited to see me.

From: Camzzz
I have a meeting I have to attend. Thank you for reaching out Lauren. Feel free to do so at anytime.

To: Camzzz
 Noted. Bye Camz

From: Camzzz

To: Camzzz
May or may not be your nickname...

To: Camzzz
If you don't like it I can stop.

From: Camzzz
No, I like it. It's...different :)

To: Camzzz
I'm glad you like it.

From: Camzzz
I do, no one has ever called me that before.

To: Camzzz

Hey, are you free to talk on the phone tonight? I'd like to have a proper conversation with you for once.

From: Camzzz

My meeting runs late tonight, I should be free tomorrow night.

To: Camzzz

Don't worry about it, we can talk tomorrow.

From: Camzzz

Goodnight Lauren

To: Camzzz

Goodnight Camz

The Substitute// CamrenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant