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I woke up in the morning with jai laying next to me still asleep as usual.

"Jaijai wake up" I said

"Ughh" he groaned

"Schools been cancelled today!" I said

Jai instantly sat up

"Really?!" Jai said really excitedly

"No" I laughed.

"Your a meanie" Jai pouted

"I know" I said kissing his forehead.

we got up and I grabbed my uniform and went to the bathroom to get changed, I'm not even going to try and get dressed with Jai is he same room he's always trying to peek little shit.

I tied my hair into a high pony tail and walked out of the bathroom.

"All ready to go ?" Jai said holding my hand

"Yep" I replied

We had to stop by my house first to get some homework, I opened the door and saw Josh on the couch all alone.

"Ash can I talk to you?" Josh said all innocently

"No" I said walking off

"No please" Josh said pulling my arm

"Fine what?!" I said

Jai was already up in my room, so it was just me and Josh.

"Well I'm really sorry about everything, I just got really mad because I miss being with you, I miss being where Jai is now. I think I still love you" Josh said

"Why would you do all that? Just because you were mad doesn't mean that you can just do that. Have you see what happens at school to me and Jai?" I said getting frustrated.

"I know I know I'll fix it, just I'm really sorry okay?" Josh said.

"How are you going to fix it? There are rumors about me and jai having sex and I'm just a slut and heaps more" I said I could feel tears build up in my eyes.

"I'm sorry, I really am." Josh said

"Well sorry doesn't fix it" I said going up stairs to jai.

I opened my door and saw jai on my bed

"Are you okay?" Jai said rubbing my back

"Yeah Josh said he's really sorry and he's going to try and fix everything. But I have no idea how he's going to" I said while wiping my eyes.

"It's okay" jai kissed my cheek "do you want to just ditch school today and go down to the park and get lunch or something?"

"Yes I way rather that then go to fucking school" I said.

"Okay let's go!" Jai said pulling my arm

We walked out the door and down to the bus stop and got onto the next bus that came, me and jai sat down.

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked jai

"Have no idea" jai laughed

The bus stopped at a shopping centre and there was a park and heaps of stuff we could do. We got off the bus

"Want get some icecream?" Jai said

"Yeah sure" I said holding his hand.

We walked over to coldrock and got some icecream and sat down at a table.

"See this is way better than school" Jai said

"Yes defiantly way better then school" I said eating some of my icecream

"Do you want to try some?" Jai said

"Yes" I said than jai gave me some if his icecream as if I was a baby.

"Did you like it?" Jai said

"Yes!" I said

"Good because that would of been a waste" he laughed

I laughed too

After we ate our ice cream and walked over to the park and laid on the grass and just talked about stuff.

"I wonder how Josh thinks he's going to fix this?" Jai said

"I know" I replied

"He's a dickhead making you feel like this" jai said kissing my cheek

I smiled.

I sat up and so did Jai. Jai then pulled me close to him and kissed me passionately. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I pulled away and said "I love you jai" than hugged him.

"I love you more" jai said

"Not possible"

"It is to me"

I kissed jai again and than the water sprinklers turned on, we were like little kids we were running through them and Jai picked me up and through me into the sprinklers. After we were drenched, it was so funny though. School was finishing in 30 mins so decided to get back on the bus back to school. We got back to school and sat at the front of the gates until the bell rang because we obviously couldn't go home until school finished for we'd get caught.

Jai moved closer to me and my eyes locked onto his and Jai leaned in and kissed me again, we were kissing for a while until when I turned around the Principle and the whole year 8 classes where standing there laughing.

"Skipping school are we?" The principle Mr Mathews said.

Shit we got caught. Fuckk.

"Uh- I can explain" jai said worriedly

"Save it Mr Waetford" Mr Mathews continued "Come on let's go to my office shall we?"

One Special Boy - Jai Waetford FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang