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Me and Jai sat up.

"What the fuck is she doing here?" Jai repeated.

"Jai! Ash! Come down here someone wants to talk to you!" Mum yelled from downstairs.


"Do we go down there?" Jai whispered.

"We will I just want to know what she's wants" I whispered

"Ok" Jai kissed my nose softly.

Jai walked in front of me down the stairs still holding my hand.

Mum walked out the room.

"What do you want?" I said rudely.

"To get back what always was mine" Grace said pushing me out the way and out her hands all over Jai.

"Fuck off" Jai pushed her. "I love Ashey, not you. Her. " Jai said putting his arm around my waist.

"Come on Jai baby" Grace wined in flirty way.

Grace came up to him and kissed him, she was too quick for jai to push her off before she could kiss him.

"FUCK OFF" Jai pushed her off. "I love Ashley and always will, she means everything to me." Jai said than kissed my forehead.

"Fine then, I know you love me Jai your too scared to admit it!" Grace yelled

"Get out!" I yelled

"Make me" Grace replied

"Get out of my fucking house" I said slamming the door in her face.

We walked up stairs again to my room.

"Well that was fun.." I said with sarcasm

"She's a fucking bitch" Jai said.

"I know" I said getting closer to him.

"Oh I forgot I got you something" Jai said walking over to his bag.

He passed me a small box with a blue little ribbon on it.

"Jai you shouldn't ha-" I started but Jai interrupted

"Yes I did"

I opened the box and inside was a necklace with a heart charm and the words

Love you forever & Always. x Jai

Was engraved on the back of it.

"Jai it's beautiful, I love it" I said kissing him.

Jai pulled away and put the necklace on me

"You really didn't hav-" I was interrupted by Jai's lips crashing into mine.

Jai pulled me down on top of him on my bed not breaking the kiss once, i dragged my fingers though his hair and than we swapped positions again we were laying side by side next to each other and we will hadn't broken the kiss. Jai twirled my hair though his fingers, after what felt like forever we pulled away. I actually loved the necklace so much I never took it off.

Me and jai snugged in bed together with his arm around my waist and my head on his chest and we slowly fell asleep.

I woke up with that relieving feeling that it was Saturday and didn't have to get up. Thank god. I reached over to my phone it was 11:34 nearly lunch time oops.

"Jai" I said.

He groaned.

Not even going to try, I just kissed him always works.

Jai slowly opened his eyes.

"Morning" I said kissing his forehead I slowly moved my head up, I was still hovering over him and then Jai put his hand behind my neck and pushed my head down causing mine and Jai's lips crashing together. After I rested my head on Jai's chest for a while.

"Want to go for a walk?" I asked Jai

"Yep!" Jai said sitting up.

We both quickly got changed.

I put on my flowery baggy shorts and a tight black singlet.

We and Jai walked out the door and I locked it behind us. When we reached the park me and were playing on the swings on the grass, It was really fun.

I felt my neck and the necklace wasn't there. "Shit, where's the necklace?" I said pretty loudly.

"Oh you mean this one?" Grace said with the necklace dangling though her fingers.

Where the fuck did she come from? Great. That is here.

"Give it" I said standing up.

"No, you can give me Jai and then you get your precious necklace back" she said all bitchy.

"Not in a fucking million years, I. Don't. Like. You. Get that though your fucking brain. I love Ashley not you" Jai said.

"Well you don't get your necklace" Grace yelled

"Just give it back? Why the fuck would you want it anyway?" Jai said.

"I'll just tell everyone you bought it for me, people will believe because I'm like so popular" Grace said all sassy.

"I actually hate you, and why would you write all those anonymous messages" I yelled while a tear rolled down my face.

"They are all true, worthless bitch. Jai probably doesn't even love you" Grace said

At the point that I was bawling my eyes out.

"Aww looks who's crying" Grace said in a bitchy voice

"Don't talk to her like that, of course I love her she's my everything. Your fucked if you can't see what a beautiful sweet girl she is. Now fuck off and give the fucking necklace back" jai screamed


At that moment I was actually ready to kill her, she's so fucking rude I hate her. I was ready to punch her to shut her fucking big mouth. Grace threw the necklace at me and ran off putting her fingers up. I wrapped my arms around her.

"It's okay" I said wiping her tears away

I squeezed her tighter and kissed her nose.

I put my arms around her waist and she wouldn't look at me.

"Look at me" I said lifting her chin up.

One Special Boy - Jai Waetford FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora