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Jai's POV

I woke up with Ash snuggled up to my chest, I rolled over carefully and checked the time on my phone.

7:40am shit bus leaves at 8:00

"Ash" I said whispering


"Ash" I said again

I pushed her around and she would fucking wake up

So I tickled her

'Jaiii stop ittt" she said in between laughs.

"We have to get up bus leaves in 20mins well less than that because you wouldn't wake up silly" I said kissing her lightly.

"Shit really? " She said jumping out of bed.

Ashley's POV

I quickly put my uniform on, went into the bathroom did my hair up in a high pony tail and put a bit of makeup on.

"You know you dont need make up" Jai said leaning on the door.

"I look bad without it" I said putting my makeup back in my makeup bag

"You look beautiful without it" Jai said walking over to me and wrapping his arms around me and kissing me neck.

We then walked outside with our bags to the bus stop, We just made it. Jai and I sat next to each other at the end the of the bus. Jai was holding my hand the whole way to school. Cutie.

We walked into the school gates everyone was at there lockers getting there books out.

*cough* Slut *cough* someone said half coughed if you know what i mean

"Jai and Ashley's worst couple ever, sluttiest girl and fucked up guy doesn't work" Some girl said froma group of girls in the corner.

"SLUTTTT" someone else yelled out from the same group.

Jai looked so angry

"Jai its okay" I whispered

"Its not they can't treat you like this" Jai said walking over to the group

"I get it okay? You don't like me or Ashley. You don't have to fucking treat us like were a piece of shit. How would you feel if you walk through the school being called a slut? I don't get it?" Jai said walking off

There faces were priceless

"Good Job Jai!" i said hugging him

"I just had to say it baby" Jai sai dkissing me lightly

Jai's POV

We walked off hand in hand.

"Apparently Jai and Ashley had sex! like what the fuck, thats gross them two doing it" Some Girl said

Seriously? NO.

I decided to walk up to them and just act normal.

"Hey girls! How are you?" I said happily.

There faces were like what the fuck is he doing? AHAH

"Goooood?" both of them said in sync

"Thats good! and by the way I'm a virgin" I said skipping off


"Good one Jai" Ash said

"Just make fun of them and not let them get to you and soon this will all blow over" I said

Ashley's POV

We walked to class and everyone who made fun of us Jai would come back with this smart ass comment and by the end othe week everyone kinda stopped saying shit.

Expect for Grace. Fuck. (Jai's jealous Ex-Girlfriend, just in case you forgot)

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