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I woke up, got out of bed and ran down stairs. I put some bread into the toaster and while it was cooking I got dressed for school. I ate my breakfast, did my hair and grabbed my bag and ran out the door. I started walking but then I saw jai behind the tree looking at his phone he looked really upset.

"hey, jai what's wrong?" I asked him worriedly.

"Oh it's nothing... " jai said, his eyes started to tear up.

"jai, you can tell me please I don't want to see you like this." I said walking over to him.

"Well m-my girlfriend broke up with me." He said nearly crying.

Wait what?! He had a girlfriend? Oh god.

"Aw jai it's okay there must be other girls out there." I said to make him feel better.

"like me I'd go out with you" I said under my breath.

Oh shit, I thought I said that to myself. shittt.

"Um. What did you just say ?" Jai asked.

"uhhh nothing ..." I said looking down. Oh my god that's embarrassing.

We walked to school, before we got there jai stopped and gave me a massive hug.

"I just wanted to say that you are have been a really good friend." jai said.

I think the world like stopped when he hugged me, I held on so tight he was so nice.

"That's alright jai" I said.

We got to school a grabbed our books. The teacher said that we had to be in pairs to do this task, so me and jai gave each other that look that we would be partners. Me and jai started working in the assignment but it got so hard and boring after 5 minutes.
After school I walked home by myself because jai had to go do something at school, when I walked into the door I put my bag down and sat on the couch and put a movie on "50 first dates". I grabbed some popcorn and a drink of coke and watched it. I loved it jai told me to watch it and it was so good and really cute. I love those, unrealistic love stories.

I went up to my room and changed into some other clothes and I open my bag up and got my folder to do some homework. When I opened the folder there was a note saying

"hey it's jai call me 04--------- xox"

he was so cute I rang him up and we had a good chat and then he asked me

"do you want to come over to my house tomorrow?"

"Yes! I'll ring you back in a couple on mins I'll just go ask my mum" I replied.

"Okay cool bye" he said and ended the call.

I ran down stairs "mum? Can I go to a friends house tomorrow? He lives just down the road" I said

"yes sure. What his name ? Is he cute ..?" She said curiously.

"Mummmmm, really? He just a friend. So can I go?" I said jumping.

"Yessss why not." She said.

"Thank you!!!"

I ran up stairs, I actually can't believe I'm going to his house tomorrow omg. He's so cute, I really like him, what's going to happen there? I couldn't stop smiling.

"Hey, jai mum said yes!" I said.

"Oh good yay. ! I have to go but I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Okay bye jai" I ended the call.

I changed into my pajamas and I was going to do homework but I just couldn't stop think about jai. So I just laid down in my bed and listened to some music.

yes, I finally did it she's coming over tomorrow. Fuck she's so pretty and nice and funny and just UGGHHH so fucking perfect. I've been always wanting her to come over I really like her but I don't think she likes me back, ash said we are just friends. Oh well will just see.
I texted her

Jai - hey xx
Ash - hey :)
Jai - just wondering who do you like at school?
Ash - uh, I can't tell you.
Jai - why can't you tell me ? I won't tell anyone.
Ash - I just can't. Who do you like then?
Jai - I asked you first.
Ash - gtg bye I'll see you tomorrow. :) x
Jai - okay byeee :))

When he asked me who I like I had wrote "
"It's you who I like, but I know for a fact you will never like me back. I think I'm in love with you"
But I just couldn't send it. 

One Special Boy - Jai Waetford FanficKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat