Jai Is Mine

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Our mums stepped out of the car walked over to us. Fuck.

"What did we say about you guys being together?" Jai's mum said

"No, we are staying together this isn't your choice, I love her and no one can take her away from me" Jai said putting his arm around my waist.

"There's being things said that you guys have been doing some interesting things" My mum said

"None of it's true!" I yelled

Me and Jai explained everything that happened with Josh, grace and how all the rumours started.

"Do you believe us now?" Jai said

"Well, you haven't done anything wrong." Jai's mum said

"But we still don't want you together" my mum finished

"I don't give a shit what you say we are staying together." I yelled.

"Fine whatever do what you want!" Our mums screamed.

Ok that was weird. Wow.

They got into the car.

"Your not even going to drive us home?" Jai said

"Get in the fucking car then" Jai's mum said

Wow. Just. Wow.

We hopped into the car no one would speak, me and jai would give each those looks.

"Can jai come to our place?" I said breaking the silence

"I don't care. Do what you want" my mum said really rudely.

Ok then. Everyone's mad.

Me and Jai got out the car and walked inside, we sat on the couch and mum went into the kitchen. Jai leaned into kiss me we kissed for a while and I was like on top on of him. I could here someone coming. Shit mum. I jumped over to the side of jai and turned on the tv, so it looked like we were just watching a show. Mum left the room again.

"Shall we get back to what we were doing?" I said in a posh flirtatious way.

"We shall" Jai said even more posh and picked me up and took me to my room.

He sat me down on my bed, I crossed my legs and jai did too and we sat in front of each other. Jai than pushed me softly against my pillows and kissed me hard. Jai was hovering over me and I ran my fingers though Jai's hair and then our tongues got involved. Than we moved so we were laying down next to each other still kissing I wrapped my arms around his neck and played with the back of his hair and jai put his arm around my waist and pushed me closer to him so our chests were touching. When we stopped I sat up and quickly got changed.

"Jai turn around" I said

"But I ha-" jai said

I interrupted

"just turn around please" I said with a puppy dog face

"Why?" Jai said pouting and crossing his arms like a 2year old

"Then You don't get kisses" I pouted

"Ok you win!" Jai said straight away turned around

I quickly got changed into pj shorts and a singlet

"Dinner!" Mum yelled from down stairs

We ran downstairs mum had made pasta for us, we quickly ate then went back upstairs.

We jumped onto my bed and jai made little trails of kisses down my neck and arms.

It tickles so much I kept giggling.

"Stop teasing me" I wined

I wanted to kiss him so bad

"Nope" jai said kissing my neck faster

"Jaiiiiii" I wined again

He was kissing my neck faster and faster, than I moved my head so our lips would touch and I kissed him quickly

"Ha. Ha. I win!" I said

"No I do!" Jai said than kissed me harder and longer.

To ruined the moment I got another one of those anonymous messages saying:

I know your with jai babe, get the fuck away from him he's mine. Seriously why are you still on this planet? x

What the fuck?

"Jai" I said passing him my phone.

"I need to talk to grace right now, she's fucking bitch" jai said sitting up

"No jai stay with me, talk to her tomorrow" I said pulling his arm

"Okay just for you" jai said giving me a quick kiss.

I just started thinking about everything going on and just how at school the rumours, and our mums don't want us together. Maybe it would be better if me and Jai were together everything would go back to normal. But I can't live without jai, I love him he's my everything and I just don't know what to do. How do we stop these rumours and all this shit?

Tears rolled down my face.

"What's wrong?" Jai said wiping my tears with his thumb.

"Nothing I'm just thinking about everything at the moment how fucked my life is" I said

"It's okay I with you and always will be" Jai said than kissed me.

"You always know what to do at the right times" I said kissing him again.

I snuggled up to Jai and he fell asleep, he's so cute when he sleeps.

There was a knock at the front door my mum answered it I think.

I over heard mum say "Hi Grace come inside"

What the fuck is grace doing here?

"Jai wake up" I said

Jai didn't wake he just groaned

I kissed him. It always works.

"Jai, Grace is here she's downstairs" I said.

"What the fuck is she doing here?" Jai said.....

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