Everything Is Just Wrong

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I went to bed and was playing on my phone,

I kept getting messages from Jai saying

"I'm sorry, baby I didn't kiss her she kissed me"

"Please forgive me I love you" and "I don't want to lose you"

I got up and went for a walk just wanted to think.

I saw Jai's friends and over heard them say

"The only reason Jai is going out with Ashley cause Jai goes out with all of the girls for popularity, he thinks she's just one of those stupid girls"

and a few other people from school said the same thing, I really thought Jai loved me.

I kept getting more text messages from jai

Jai - please reply, I love you I really don't want to lose you beautiful.

Ash - really? Or am I just one of those stupid girls you go out with for popularity?

Jai - wait what are you talking about ? xx

Ash - you know exactly what I'm talking about and putting "xx" and "beautiful" doesn't change anything, you know exactly what I'm talking about so you put that to cover yourself up.

After I said that Jai didn't text back I went home and watched T.V for a while.

I tried talking and texting my friends they wouldn't reply no one would, What did I do wrong to everyone to suddenly hate me? No one will talk to me, No one will even just look at me.

What have I done? I  was scared to go to school the next but I did, when I got there I started walking to my friends and they were whispering stuff and when I got to them they just walked off, seriously what have I done wrong?

I went to class Jai wasn't here, I was worried at first but he might of just been sick or something my two best friends were fighting over who had to sit next to me because to everyone I was some stupid bitch everyone hates.

After school I went home like usual when I walked into the house I couldn't stop crying.

"What's wrong? Is it something about Jai?" Mum asked

"No, it's okay" I said running up to my room.'

I finally stopped crying and watched a movie with popcorn and lollies but I wasn't even watching the movie I couldn't stop thinking about Jai after the movie I walked to his house and knocked on the door

"Hi Jai isn't here, he's really upset but you can still come inside if you want?" Jai's Mum said

 "Oh that's ok" I said walking into the house.

I went up to his room and there was pictures of me and Jai everywhere, all over his walls his laptop was open to all the video that we made one night when we were bored, none of these photos where here when I was last here which was only a few days ago before all this happened. Maybe Jai really does love me, I think I have really hurt him this time.

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