Chapter 1: The Pain Inside

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Author's note: I started writing this many years ago and I promise my writing gets much better! Thanks for checking my book out! 


"What is that noise"! I mumbled into my phone. "Its three am!" "Open the front door." My eyes pop open, I quickly jump out of bed, running as fast as I can. I swing the front door open and leap into my husband Damon's waiting arms. I can't help but let out a squeal of delight as we both fall to the ground pouring all the misery and longing into a sweet kiss. 

Damon had been gone for six months working on an oil rig in Texas, and of course he would surprise me instead of calling and letting me know he was coming home early. As we both stand up, I pinch his arm. "Ouch! What was that for?" He laughs. "I wasn't expecting you home for another three days." He shrugs his shoulders. "I know, but I got a chance to fly home early and I took it." I give him a pointed look. "You know I hate surprises! But." I look up at him, unable to contain my smile. "I'm so happy your home!" I wrap my arms around him again. He returns the gesture squeezing me tight and lifting me off the ground. He digs his nose into my neck inhaling deeply. "Me too. Do you think we could go inside now?" He pulls slightly away from me but doesn't unwrap his arms from around my body. I smile and nod. 

I met Damon in high school, even after 8 years of marriage, I'm still so deeply in love with him. He works hard to provide for us, although he hates being away from me for so long, he and I both know that will all end soon. In six short months he will finally take the Barr exam. After studying Law for what feels like forever, and in between working in Texas, well that made it even longer.

I look at Damon lying next to me and smile, he practically fell asleep before his head hit the pillow. I giggle thinking about it. I snuggle up next to him and breath him in. Cedar and Irish spring soap. My favorite scent in the whole world. I let out a sigh of content and quickly fall into a peaceful sleep.

I wake up to the sunlight shinning just beyond my eyelids. I can feel Damon's arms wrapped around me tight. I carefully turn in his arms to face him, resting my chin on his broad chest. His black hair is disheveled hanging just below his eyebrows. I stare at him for a few long moments softly tracing the lines of his face. As I sweep his hair away, I feel him tighten his grip around me. I freeze to make sure I haven't woken him, I'm sure he's still exhausted. Soon I hear his soft snoring. "I love you." I whisper into him resting my head against his chest. His breathing is soothing as I feel his chest rise and fall. I can't imagine my life without him. We've been together so long I'm not even sure I would know how to live without him.

"Coffee" he whispers without opening his eyes. I peek back up at him. "Sounds great, you know how I like mine." I pat his chest than roll over closing my eyes. I try to hold in my laughter as I feel his hands creep up my waist to my sides. "Really." He drags out the word. Before I know it, I'm turned on my back and Damon is on top of me. His fingers move in rapid motion up and down my sides. "Stop!" I breath out between cries of laughter. I try to pry his merciless hands away from me but it's futile. He grabs my wrist holding them above my head. His smile is breathtaking as he hovers above me. Heat begins to build between my legs, and I squirm in response. He pierces me with a knowing gaze then slams his lips to mine. 

Two hours later I am freshly showered and dressed in my scrubs ready for work. I don't make much working as an RN, for a small family practice, but it doesn't matter, I love my job.

 "Can't you call out sick?" He turns to me hopefulness playing in his eyes. "Damon." I let out a long sigh. "I have to go, besides, that's what you get for surprising me." I walk over to him placing my arms around his neck. "Okay, but hurry home I have special plans for you tonight." I feel a flush of heat creep up my body as memories of this morning come flooding back. 

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