Chapter 5: Found

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Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it.


Ocean, waves, calm. I take in a deep breath and let it out. I reach over to the other side of the bed, but all I find are cold sheets. I feel empty for some reason, a part of me wanted to wake up next to Cameron. Maybe it was a dream, but I know that's not true because this is definitely not my bed. I stretch out my body. I'm sore and achy all over, but I also feel like I've slept for a week. 

Pain shoots though me as I stretch out my right foot. I let out a little cry, as the pain in my face also comes to life and my head begins throbbing. I curl into a ball holding my head steady trying to relieve the pain. That bastard! I curse to myself. I must have been crying out pretty loud because Cameron comes bursting through the door, and is at my side in seconds. I don't open my eyes; I don't want Cameron to see my face I already know it doesn't look pretty by the pain and I'm afraid I'll see disgust on his face. 

"Ambrosia." His voice is soothing balm to my pain. "Ambrosia, open your eyes." I shake my head. "Why?" He asks softly. "It hurts." I whisper. "What hurts?" He asks while gently rub my back. "My head." "Okay love, I'll get your medication." I hear him step away for a moment. "What are they." I ask "Vicodin." "Thank goodness." I sigh. "I thought you'd be pleased, but I need you to sit up so you can drink some water." "Okay." I give in quickly since I know the Vicodin will help ease the pain.

Gently pulling myself up out of the sheets, I turn the injured side of my head away from Cameron so he won't see the bruises on my face. I hold my hand out for the pills and water, but Cameron's hand gently comes to my cheek and I'm forced to turn and look at him. "There you are, don't hide from me love I want to see you." I move his hand and turn my head away again. "Please don't look at me." "Why?" He asks. "Because I'm sure I look horrid." "Impossible love, your beautiful." That familiar blush creeps across my body and up my neck. How can I blush in my current condition? I think to myself. He smiles, and his hand comes back to my face to gently move it towards him again. "Especially when that beautiful rosy blush rushes up your neck and across your face." I can't help but smile at his comment. "Now my day is complete, I've made you smile." He chuckles. "Okay now I really need those painkillers!" I say giggling. "Well..." His hand moves to his chest. "Now you've made my week with your beautiful laugh." He winks at me.

He helps me sit up and hands me the pill. I quickly pop it in my mouth eager to ease the pain. I drink down the whole cup of water with it. "Thirsty?" He chuckles. "Yes. Thank you, um would you tell me where the bathroom is?" I ask. "Of course, it's right over there." He points to a thick wooden door on the left. I throw the covers off and turn to get out of bed. "Let me help you." Cameron scoops me up and starts to carry me to the bathroom before I have a chance to protest. "You know I have to walk by myself at some point." I give him an annoyed look. "Yes, I am aware, but your meds haven't had a chance to kick in yet, and I can see your in enough pain already."

 I see a flash of anger in his eyes but its quickly gone when he flicks on the light in the bathroom. "Hey." I whisper bringing my hands to his face. "I'm okay, I'm going to be fine." He leans into my touch, but his anger is still palpable. He carefully sets me down on edge of the tub. "I'll leave you to it. Tell me when your done and I'll carry you back to bed." He leaves shutting the door behind him. I realize I'm just in my underwear and a shirt that smells of him. The only person that has ever seen me like this was Damon. Now that I think about it, I'm not even embarrassed about being half naked in front of Cameron. I hardly know him, yet I feel so comfortable with him. At that moment my heart say's that Damon would want me to be happy, he would want me to let someone take care of me like Cameron is taking care of me, and this does make me happy. I let out a frustrated sigh. Great! I have what I think is a breakthrough and Diane's not even here to witness it. It's then I decided I'm going to try to give Cameron a real chance. I'm going to let him in.

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