Chapter 18: Taken

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My eyes feel heavy as I pry them open, it feels like a monumental effort to do so. I slowly blink a few times, but everything is dark not a light to be found. Digging through my muddled memories I make a subtle effort to remember what happened, but my mind is in a fog. A cold chill runs over my body causing a shiver to run through me, the air smells salty and moist. I try to reach for a blanket, but I can't move my arms, I feel like cinder blocks are holding my tired body down, taking with it all my energy.

Suddenly memories of Dr. Reeves come flooding back. I can do nothing to stop the overwhelming panic that courses through my bones. Tears well up in my eyes but I force them down. Crying will not get me anywhere or help me to figure out where I am. I make an effort to sit up mustering all the energy I can but it proves futile; I can't move any part of my body except my eyes and even that is draining, making me feel even more exhausted with each attempt.

Slowly my eyes begin to adjust to the darkness blinking away the dark clouds that storm them but I can only make out outlines of what I assume is a small room. Am I still in the hospital? Hidden away in a dark abandoned corner? Apart of me hopes I'm still there if only I can be that lucky. Where am I? What happened? A million questions race through my head my mind unable to keep tract or hold one long enough for me to fully grasp it.

 Suddenly a door creeks open and I see a sliver of light shining above me from a few feet away. I shift my eyes over noticing a small staircase, but I can't move my head so I'm not able to look further at my surroundings. 

I hear heavy footsteps begin descending. The sound of that you might hear in a horror movie. My mind flutters around the daunting noise and I squeeze my eyes shut forcing the salty tears I've kept at bay to cascade down my face. I feel a hand brush away the tears causing me to jerk back but the movement only happening in my mind.

 "Shh, it's okay pet." A hauntingly familiar voice whispers next to my ear. My eyes shoot open as fear rips through me making every nerve in my body tremor as realization hits me. It's William

No, no please don't let this be real. More tears pour out of my eyes and I try to scream but nothing happens. I squeeze my eyes closed again. Please let this be a nightmare. He brushes my hair back and out of my face. His hot breath fans over me inches from my ear causing bile to rise in my throat. "I'm not ready for you yet." He whispers. A cold sensation run up my arm and my eyes begin to get heavy again. I fight internally to stay awake begging myself internally to fight it but a black fog blankets my eyes and I'm pulled back into the empty darkness; my lasts thoughts only of pure terror for what awaits me the next time I wake. 

When I awake again, I'm still in complete darkness, but this time I find it easier to open my eyes. Fear sweeps through me as reality punches me in the gut causing bile to rise in my throat. My nightmares now reality. I've been taken and William has me locked away somewhere. I quickly take inventory of my body, but besides the throbbing in my head I feel unviolated. 

Letting out a short breath of relief I realize I have no idea how long I've been asleep, hours, days? I pray it's only been a short time. Thoughts of Cameron flood my mind and I fight back tears wondering where his is and if he knows I'm missing yet, wondering briefly if he's angry with me for letting myself get taken, but it's not my fault, I was at the hospital. I push those thoughts away for now and try to focus on where I am. 

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