Chapter 24 Saved

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Never be ashamed about being broken, because strength is nothing but pain that has been repaired. 

-Trent Shelton-

Pain, relief, fear, joy these words have no meaning to me now. My body and soul released from the binds that plagued them and now I'm floating through the darkness. It wraps around me like a soft warm blanket, whispering soothing words. 

It confuses me; the whispers sound familiar like I've heard them before. They wrap around my soul in a protective cocoon. I have no memories the only thing that comes to my mind is safe. I'm safe.

My mind is convinced I'm dead but I see no light only the blissful darkness that continues to whisper to me, calling out to me. Sweet words float softly across my mind and it feels like soothing balm to a festering wound. 

"I'm here love. I'm never going to let you go again. Just come back to me." More gentle words break through the darkness now causing flashes of light across my eyes. I try to move towards them, the voice makes me happy but I can't so I give in and free fall into nothing. 

I hear a faint beeping, but I can't place it. I search out straining my ears for more sounds but my mind can only focus on the rhythmic beeping to the point of madness. 

Open your eyes. I beg my body to comply but they won't budge. I mentally take note of my body, not really feeling anything but a warmth in my right hand. I push outward and feel my finger twitch. 

Slowly my memories trickle back to me. Cameron was there? Or is this a cruel joke come to suffocate me. Now the thought of opening my eyes frightens me so I keep them closed for now. 

I'm afraid if I do, I will be back on that boat in Williams grasp. I hear myself cry out. In my head it sounds loud and pained but to my ears it's a forceful breath that barely escapes my lips.

I can't be on that boat, I can't be. I feel my body shake and the beeping noise now sounds erratic next to me, I want to strike out and silence whatever it is. The warmth in my right hand squeezes tightly I try to pull away. "Please nooooo!" My throat is dry but I hear the words. 

"It's okay love, stay still." My eyes shoot open but darkness still surrounds me as all my memories slam into me at once. I try to pull myself backwards. "No, please don't hurt me! Please!" I cry out. I can't let him hurt me again! 

I manage to pull myself free as my vision come into focus of my surroundings. "No!" I cry out one last time before my eyes land on Cameron. "Cameron?" my mind still unsure if it's truly him. 

He reaches out to me and I instinctively flinch back. His hand freezes in response. "It's okay love, it's me. You're safe." 

With those word I completely lose control and begin to sob, tears soaking the sheets below. "Cameron." Is all I can manage to whisper. He steps towards me hesitantly as if he doesn't want to spook me away.  

"I'm here love." He whispers softly. I reach my hand out to him and he lays next to me pulling me to him. I quickly burry my face into his chest inhaling his scent as he wraps his arms around me. 

We sit like that until my sobs turn into gentle gasps. Cameron doesn't say anything he just holds me tight as if he is never going to let me go again and I don't want him to but I'm broken now. He could never love me, I can't allow him to, he deserves better. 

Those thoughts twist around in my head and I feel myself pulling away from him. He can sense it and hesitantly unwraps his arms from around me. I hiss out when I try to sit up as a wave of pain shoot out from my right side. "Don't move love, I don't want your stiches to tear open." 

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