Chapter 6: Pieces of me

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We are all broken inside, but that's how the light gets in. 

-Ernest Hemingway- 

"What!" Marie shouts through the phone, something that's becoming habit every time we talk. "Okay so let me get this straight, the creepy Doctor you hate attacked you, McDreamy." "Cameron." I interrupt her. "Whatever came rushing to your aid and has been taking care of you, and now you're living with him!" "I'm not living with him Marie." I let out a sigh. "Really. When's the last time you stayed the night at your house?" She asks. "That doesn't matter. Why are you upset?" "Oh, I'm not upset Amm, I'm proud of you!" "Wait, what? I'm confused, why are you yelling at me again?" "I'm not yelling I'm being enthusiastic, I mean I'm a little disappointed that you didn't call me sooner, when did all this happen, what a week ago?" "I know and I'm really sorry, but to my defense I was on painkillers, you know what a lightweight I am." The phone is silent for a moment. "Okay you got me there." She laughs. "So the first two days were a blur, and when the Vicodin wore off my phone was dead." I pause. "Do you still love me?" I ask her. She laughs again. "Of course I do Amm, you know I can never stay mad at you." "Thanks Marie." "Just keep me in your life okay." "I will always, I promise." I smile. "Okay enough sappy stuff tell me about living with McDreamy!" Now I laugh.

An hour later I'm finally off the phone with Marie. Cameron's driving me back to the hospital so they can recheck my ankle and head, my headaches have been getting worse so we both want to make sure there isn't more damage than we originally thought. "Okay!" Dr. Reese says as he walks through the exam room door. "Well good new Ambrosia your CT scan looks excellent; we can't find anything that looks concerning to us." He takes a seat on the stool next to the exam room table I'm sitting on.  "It looks like your ankle wasn't sprained just bruised up a bit. How's it feeling?" He asks. "Good, really good." I smile. "So how long do you think before I can start running again?" I ask with eagerness. Dr. Reese laughs. "Let's give it another week or so just to make sure it's completely healed. Don't look so disappointed, physically you're healing very quickly." Dr. Reese gives me a concerned look. "I know this is probably still a sore subject for you, well I guess it is for all of us, but how are you doing emotionally with everything?" I look over at Cameron who grabs my hand and gently rubs it. "I'm doing okay with it just taking it a day at a time." I keep my response short. "Well, that's good I'm glad, and what I'm going to tell you next I'm not only saying to you as your doctor but also as your friend. We have a wonderful therapist here who would love to talk to you should you need it." I smile at him. "I appreciate that Dr. Reese but it's not necessary." He nods his head. I haven't told anyone that I'm already seeing a therapist, no one including Cameron knows about my past, well most of it.

Back in the car I can feel Cameron glancing over at me. "What?" I ask without looking at him. "Dr. Reese tells me that you're already asking when you can go back to work." "And." I shrug my shoulders. "It's only been a week Ambrosia; don't you think its a little soon to start thinking about working again?" "Don't you think its a little early in our relationship to be bossing me around?" I shoot back. "That's not what I'm trying to do Ambrosia." He say calmly. I know he's not, but I stand my ground. "Cameron I'm not going to hide out like a coward in your house forever, I'm not afraid of him, besides he's still in jail, right?" Cameron sighs. "Yes, he is, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have friends willing to do him a favor by hurting you, he's a real sick bastard Ambrosia." 

"Don't you think I know that I mean what kind of person attacks and threatens someone for defending themselves." "Exactly, that's why it's a bad idea to start working." I take a deep calming breath, but it doesn't help, my anger boils to the surface. "What am I supposed to do when you're at work?" I ask him. "You can't expect me to stay locked in your house until you get home, I need to work, I can't live like that Cameron." "What safe!" He yells. "No, In fear." My tone is even. As we pull into our neighborhood, I turn towards him. "I've already been cleared to go back to work Cameron so you can just accept that or." "Or what?" He looks over at me. I lift my chin. "Or you're going to lose whatever this is." He lets out a long breath and pulls into his garage. Turning off the engine he turns to me. "I'm afraid I'm going to lose you either way." He whispers as he gets out of the car and walks inside. 

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