Chapter 19: The Darkness

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The darkness is worse inside my head, a constant nightmare that plays over and over like a horror movie you don't want to watch but can't help but peek at it through your fingers.

 Agony courses throughout my body, seeping down into my bones as the last of the meds wear off. My stomach growls loudly yelling at me to eat something, but I have no control and that pains me the most. 

Without a clock or the light from the day; time is lost to me. I have no idea how long it's been since I was taken. I'm pulled from my thoughts when I hear the door open. I don't bother looking up I know who it is. 

William walks through the door and sets something on the small table next to me. I look over and see a plate of food and a glass of water. My eyes lock onto the plate. I unconsciously lick my dry lips as my stomach rumbles, not so silently telling me to feed it, but my anger is still riding the surface of my emotions and I turn the other way facing the wall. 

"You are going to eat and then you will get cleaned up." William speaks over me. It's not a question and it angers me more. I wrap my arms around the hospital gown I'm still wearing. I do feel dirty, but I refuse to do as he says. 

"How long have you had me here?" I blurt out but my voice is quiet, and horse and I wonder if he even heard me. "I will answer that question if you behave. Eat then I will take you to get cleaned up." I grind my teeth together balling my hands into fist." I feel the bed dip beside me causing my body to go stiff. 

"If you do not behave and listen, I will put you back to sleep and clean you myself." I fight back the bile rising in my throat at the thought of him touching me. "No!" I quickly sit up turning away from him. "Good girl." He smiles. 

He grabs the glass of water off the table and hands it to me. I hesitate, looking at the glass then back at him. "It's just water." He assures me but I'm still leery. I slowly grabs the glass, bringing it to my lips, I take a small sip as a single tear slides down my face. The fear of this one being drugged lingering close to the surface of the little bit of sanity I have left, but there is no bitterness like before. 

I begin chugging down the water greedily, but William grabs the glass pulling it away from me. "Not too fast, you'll make yourself sick." I know he is referring to the fact that I haven't had anything in my stomach for days, but only he knows how many. Thinking about it again makes my blood boil. 

He sets the plate on the bed and scoots it over to me. Looking down at it I can see grapes and cheese. My stomach growls to life and before I can think about refusing to eat my hands grab a handful of grapes quickly shoving them in my mouth. 

The juices flow over my dry tongue and down my sore throat and it's heavenly. I grab more grapes and a few pieces of cheese quickly swallowing down those as well. By the time I'm finished I feel better and I let a sigh sneak out of my mouth. 

The happiness is short lived when I hear William beside me. "Does that make you happy pet?" I don't respond only glare at him. He reaches for me and I flinch back against the wall. "Ambrosia, I need to unlock your restraints so you can take a shower." 

My eyes grow wide with fear at the thought of being naked it front of him and tears begin to well up in my eyes. "No, please!" I cry out I want to stay strong and put on a brave front but I'm so weak emotionally, and physically it's slips easily through my lips. He pays no attention to my plea. 

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