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⌠ 1 ⌡ 

The cherry blossoms are beautiful.

They fall,

twirling down like ribbons,

landing softly,

but you can still hear the sound.

The tree is proof

time has passed.


and the grass,

 now vibrant and tall,

and the wildflowers

like dots of white paint in a canvas of green.

It still rains sometimes,

but the rain seems lighter.

So does the sky,

even when the clouds

block the sunlight.

The rain drips in melody




and the fogged club room windows,

so clouded

you could almost think

there's a different world

behind them.

Why is everything so beautiful?

Why can't it...

stay this way forever?

It's been months since then.

It's almost graduation.

I'm almost a third year.

Things have changed.

⌠ 2 ⌡  

The clubroom is humid.

My skin sticks to my clothes,

my hair feels damp already.

I'm laying on the table,

looking up at the ceiling.


For her.

It's been 6 months

since everything.


returned to normal.

We returned

to normal.

Except, it was different.

Wingman ⌠Cell Phone Novel⌡Where stories live. Discover now