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⌠ 1 ⌡

A tap on my shoulder,

slim fingers,

some kind of flowery perfume.

A girl.


I turn,


rain girl.

It's not her.

Pink hair,

like cherry blossoms-

dark eye liner,

full lips.

One hand on her hip,

her expression,

pretty but sour.

"How does a loser like you

hang out with Takeshi?"

⌠ 2 ⌡ 

"...Sorry, do I know you?"

Her attitude makes me uncomfortable.

"You don't. That doesn't matter. I asked you a question."

She taps her foot, waiting. Impatient.

"I don't know him that well either. Sorry."

I turn back to my lunch.

Or try.

She grabs my shoulder again.

"I call bullshit. Liar."

A smirk, plastered on her face.

"Aren't you the guy

who tags along with him?

To play around? "

⌠ 3 ⌡ 

I can't say anything.

The strange girl plops down next to me with a humph.

She takes a riceball from my lunchbox without asking,

plops it in her mouth.

A sesame seed is stuck to her bottom lip.

"Let's make this real simple, okay?"

She says it like a line straight from the yakuza in anime.

I don't know whether to laugh or be scared.

"You, what's your name?"

"Sakai Keichi."

"Alright. Look, Sakai-kun. You know Takeshi.

Plays around. Never serious. Good looking."

Did I?

"I'm one of his exes."

Takanashi Ai.

⌠ 4 ⌡ 

"So... what exactly do you want?"

I can't deal with people like her.

Brash, unfiltered. At least,

to the people they didn't care about.

Takanashi sighs.

"Sakai-kun, you aren't so bright are you?"

She's starting to get on my nerves.

She's even stolen a riceball.

"Is that really the way you should be asking someone for help?"

I must have surprised her.

She sits quietly for a little,

watching what,

I don't know.

Another sigh.

"Sorry. I was a bit rude, wasn't I?"

"A bit? "

"Okay, a lot."


"So, can you help me?"

"With what?"

Takanashi cups her chin in her hands,

hugging her knees.

Pale white thighs show in the sunlight,

as her skirt slowly slips down.

I look away, maybe I should tell her?

"He's a jerk. A cheating asshole. I hate his guts."

I still like him, Sakai.

⌠ 5 ⌡ 

"You're close to him, right?"

"I told you-"


If he rejects me again,

I'll give up for good."

I stand up.

"Why should I help you? I've got my own problems."

"Akiyama, right?"

"How'd you know?"

She gives me a small smile.

"You think no one saw you guys together?"

My face burns.

"Look, we... Akiyama and me- nothing happened."

"But you want something to happen. You still like her."

I can't meet Takanashi's gaze.

"I'll help you."

"...with Yur- I mean, Akiyama?"

"If you help me."


She smiles again-

brightly, this time.

"That's for us to figure out."

Wingman ⌠Cell Phone Novel⌡Where stories live. Discover now