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⌠ 1 ⌡ 

Time stood still,

in that small room.

Particles of dust,

frozen in the feeble

sunlight shining

through the windows.

"Sorry," I whisper.

She doesn't say anything,

but hugs me tighter.

How could I have been so stupid?

I hadn't thought once

how worried Ai must have been.

I only

let myself drown in my




⌠ 2 ⌡  

After a long while,

she lets go.

Smiles brilliantly at me.

Looks at me expectantly.

"That's all I get as an apology?"

"You want more?"

She taps her chin, smirking.

"Food would be nice...

That new restaurant just opened down the road."

"Of course that's all you're thinking about."

⌠ 3 ⌡

Now I need

to make things right

with Takeshi and Yura.

To talk,

to joke around,

to laugh,

to cry,

to remain in silence.

I'd never understood these things before. 

Loneliness following me

everywhere I went.

I wanted to disappear,

to forget,

even for a moment.

This desolate feeling

of being so alone

in the midst of so many people.



Once again, she saved me.

I look at her,

fiddling with her smartphone,

maybe fixing her hair

or texting a friend,

with that small smile tugging at her lips.

I realize.


Wingman ⌠Cell Phone Novel⌡Where stories live. Discover now