to be

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⌠ 1 ⌡

The shadows are long.

I'd never noticed that.

How many times had I been here?

This spot, this chair and table.

The rows and rows of bookshelves surrounding me,

a wall of books protecting this space.

The place of library boy and rain girl.

How many weeks has it been since I've been here?

So many memories created.

So many left behind.

So many, just... Gone.

This space was ours, but now it feels so empty.

Just a few months.

It wasn't ours anymore.

⌠ 2 ⌡  

I see her through the corner

of my vision,

slowly walking up.

She takes small steps.

Timid steps.


as if trying to find her path back

to this place we had lost.

I hear her chair

scraping the floor,

she sits,

maybe crosses her legs.

It's a soft sound.

She is sitting

across from me

where she always used to.

What should I say?

What should I do?

That first, small step. 

But how do you fix a crack that's become a void?

She is here, but my mind is blank.

Apologize. Beg for forgiveness. Ask if she is okay.


Yura looks so small. 

Like she might disappear any second.

Say something. Anything. Just—

"Was this place always so empty?" she says.

Her voice seems to echo.

She laughs quietly.


I can't meet her gaze. "Y-yeah?"

"I'm sorry."


"For shouting at you.

For blaming you.

Wingman ⌠Cell Phone Novel⌡Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu