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⌠ 1 ⌡

[10:42] K: Is this Sugawa?

[10:45] E: Who is this?

[10:45] K: Sakai.
[10:46] K: I want to apologize for everything. In person. Please? I'm sorry.

[10:47] E: Okay.

[10:47] K: Could you come up to the roof during lunch tomorrow?

[10:51] E: Okay.

⌠ 2 ⌡

 Sugawa sits across from me.

Her cheerfulness is gone.

The girl I saw joking around with Takeshi

as they blended into the sunset

is gone.

"I'm sorry," I say.

She doesn't seem angry.

Just sad. And empty.

"It's okay."

She stares at the floor.

"I knew Takeshi was playing with me.

I guess... I fooled myself along the way."

Tears fall onto her jeans.

Her voice is trembling.

"But Sakai... I want to know why."

⌠ 3 ⌡ 

The air is still and thick,

like we are in the eye of a storm.

"He invited me along.

I only did it...

because I felt lonely.

I thought it would never matter.

Because I didn't care about any of them.

But Yura was different.


"You're so selfish.

You—you never thought about how those girls felt?!"

Her voice is sharp, like an icicle.

"I gave him my first time.

I thought he really cared for me!

And then he..."

A stifled sob.

"'s always like this.

Nobody understands me."

⌠ 4 ⌡ 

Suddenly, rage slams my head,

waves, rippling, tearing, stabbing.

"What do you know?

Have you ever truly been alone?

You've always had friends

who talk to you

and care for you—"

Why is someone shouting? Who—

"You think I get off on doing this?!

You. You're the one who

 doesn't understand anything."

I seethe. Breathing hard.

My fingers are buzzing.

Then it dissipates instantly.

Replaced with the hollow sense of guilt.

My last words seem to ring in the air


"... I'm sorry," I whisper.

Sugawa's body trembles.

She's crying.

I made her cry.

You are pathetic.

You were supposed to apologize.

And now—

"...yeah. You're right."

I can barely make out her shaking voice.

Her clothes rustle.

She stands.

Her makeup is ruined,

mascara running down her cheeks,

her nose, her chin.

I can barely recognize her anymore.

"I don't hate you Sakai."

She turns to the rooftop door.

I hate myself.

Wingman ⌠Cell Phone Novel⌡Where stories live. Discover now