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Day 14 of Zelink Week and Day 7 of the Master Quest! It's officially OVERRRR. >_< Oy vey - to be honest, I'm so glad it's over. XDDDD It was so stressful trying to make sure each oneshot was released on time. So, guys - quality over quantity or what? XD

Thanks for reading, and please vote/comment cuz I'm a tired person. XD <3

This one's dedicated to EVERYONE who's read this book of oneshots. :D <3 thanks guys!

Also, let me know which oneshot was your favorite in the comments below!



"You know, it's really cheesy," she begins thoughtfully, "but we really do somehow manage to find each other throughout the ages."

He nods in agreement, "We really do - always and no matter what."

The memories are swirling through their heads, and their thoughts are purely focused on them. Their minds try to comprehend them, but they know it's impossible. The meaning behind the resurfacing of their memories is unknown, but there's most likely a malicious intent involved.

She presses her fingers to her temples, trying to think clearly. "There's just so much, Link. So many different times we've met -"

"So many times we've fought against evil -" he adds.

"So many times we've married -"

"So many times we've seen Hyrule rebuild -"

"So many times we've had children -"

"So many times we've lived without each other..."

They continue to talk through their memories, shocked at how many there are.

"Are we even supposed to be remembering all this, Zelda?" Link questions, gritting his teeth because of his current throbbing headache.

She feels slightly woozy and stumbles into his open arms, "I don't think so..." her voice trails off.

They see the Hero of Winds and Tetra sailing together on the Great Sea - the first Zelda and Link on their Loftwings, flying through the blue sky - the Princess and Hero as the Twilight Mirror shatters - there are so many - too many even. They're both overwhelmed, weighted by the things they're seeing.

Stumbling through the wreckage of Hyrule, they try to make sense of what's happening. Their heads spin, and they can barely walk.

Finally, Zelda has just one question as she thinks of everything they've been through in the past and how much they're going to have to go through in the future, "When will it end, Link?"

He tries to clear his head, lost in a memory, "I... I don't know, Zelda. I want to say that this was the last time, but I'm almost positive that it's going to keep on going - the cycle, I mean."

"It's never going to end?" she then asks, holding back a sob.

He gathers her into a hug, "I don't know, Zelda... I suppose only time will tell..."

They drop to their knees, fighting, trying not to succumb to Ganondorf under the pressure of the memories. They wish time would stop so it would all just end for good. 


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Zelink Week 2017 [Drabbles and Oneshots]Where stories live. Discover now